The Story of Josette and Daniel


Romance - Contemporary
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 01/29/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

The Story of Josette and Daniel by Dr. Katherine E.A. Korkidis is a contemporary romance trilogy that spans decades and captures the events of a lifelong partnership. At the heart of the novel are Josette and Daniel, two talented musicians who meet at The Juilliard School and quickly become entwined in each other's lives. The narrative captures the passage of time, from the early days of their relationship to the many years they spent together, sharing their lives with their children and grandchildren. Journal entries give an excellent emotional glimpse into their relationship and love.

The recurring motif of snow, framing the story from Josette's perspective as she reflects on her life, adds a layer of poignancy to the novel. This gentle reminder of time's passage and the fleeting nature of life is a touching tribute to the depth of Josette's feelings for Daniel, even after his passing. The progression of their love story is heartwarming. It shows how their bond deepens through shared experiences, even as they face the inevitable challenges of life and aging. The Story of Josette and Daniel is a sweet, emotionally resonant tale of love that endures beyond the years, capturing the essence of a true partnership. The narrative's reflective tone, combined with the detailed depictions of the characters’ lives, including their wedding invitation and vows, makes for a moving read that will appeal to fans of slow-burn romance and stories that explore the complexities of lifelong love. Dr. Katherine E.A. Korkidis includes many extras, such as Daniel’s baby book, funeral service, and recipes.

K.C. Finn

The Story of Josette and Daniel: Trilogy is a work of fiction penned by author Dr. Katherine E.A. Korkidis in the romance, contemporary drama, and slice-of-life subgenres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience. Readers are invited to enjoy the poignant love story of Josette and Daniel, beginning at the prestigious and romantic setting of The Juilliard School and spanning a lifetime of drama and love. The narrative elegantly explores the enduring nature of love, weaving through decades, seasons, and shared passions. Korkidis captures the essence of their connection in all its glory, portraying love not as a fleeting emotion but as a timeless echo that carries us through the years.

Author Dr. Katherine E.A. Korkidis has lovingly crafted a trilogy that offers readers a deeply emotive experience where they get to know the central pair deeply, personally, and highly realistically. Korkidis uses beautiful prose to navigate the complexities of love, loss, and the beauty found in life's ordinary moments, painting vivid word pictures that evoke gorgeous settings and backdrops that enhance the tone of every scene. The prose is tender, evoking a spectrum of emotions from joy to heartache, with a keen eye for dialogue that helps us read between the lines and see Josette's and Daniel’s hearts on display. Korkidis has crafted a celebration of love in its more pure and enduring form, yet she never loses sight of the work and dedication that maintaining such a bond requires. Overall, The Story of Josette and Daniel: Trilogy is a gorgeous work for romance fans to lose themselves in, and I would highly recommend it.

Jamie Michele

The Story of Josette and Daniel: Trilogy by Dr. Katherine E.A. Korkidis follows the beautiful love story of Josette and Daniel Ellington, their prestigious careers, the family they have, the family they build, and their commitment to social welfare and community service. The loss of their daughter Nicole is a heartbreaking time, but the couple holds fast and tight to their unwavering support for their children—Katherine, Christopher, Edward, and Cassandra—in their diverse pursuits: Christopher's passion for acting and eventual commitment to the priesthood, Katherine's musical talents and international marriage, Edward's prowess in mathematics and finance, and Cassandra's early advocacy and later contributions to criminal justice and engineering. A vow renewal, European adventures, and encounters with Daniel's past love cross over with domestic and professional pursuits and, ultimately, retirement. As a whole, the trilogy leans heavily toward the transformative power of family, faith, and love and the enduring impact of shared values across generations.

Part epic love story, part worldwide travelogue, The Story of Josette and Daniel: Trilogy by Dr. Katherine E.A. Korkidis is a sweeping saga that collects both huge and seemingly small moments into a mega-arc that is the Ellington Family. One of the more touching moments in the book occurs when David, whom Josette and Daniel adopted, flies to Brussels to be Daniel's best man. That entire trip is extensively cataloged, and, like the rest of the Ellington's globetrotting adventures, Korkidis depicts the sights, sounds, smells, and delights in near cinematic detail. I loved the portrayal of Europe, but it was the sojourn in Hawaii written through travel journals that really touched my heart. There is something to be said about the type of love that lasts an eternity. Readers who adore stories of imperfectly perfect love and a life with some deep lows but so many more highs will love this book. The writing is clean and straightforward, and the pacing is intentionally slow as Korkidis focuses on the minutiae of Josette and Daniel's lives, which makes it fully engrossing. Overall, this is a thoughtful and lovely story, and I adored every moment spent in it.

Asher Syed

In The Story of Josette and Daniel Trilogy by Dr. Katherine E.A. Korkidis, a comprehensive love story flourishes across three books, each chronicling pivotal moments in the lives of Josette and Daniel. The journey begins with book one, Josette, where the titular pianist reveals a coming to terms with a past love in journals, motivated by a voice to a potential reconnection with Daniel. In Daniel, the second installment, Daniel's life takes a tragic turn after Josette makes a choice that leads away from him. Guided by Father Edward, their love story, filled with music, leads them back to one another. The trilogy concludes with Josette and Daniel, where the reunited couple secures their future, expands their family, and embraces each milestone together. Despite Daniel's tragic passing, Josette reflects on a life brimming with shared love and cherished memories.

In Dr. Katherine E.A. Korkidis' bewitching trilogy, The Story of Josette and Daniel, the prose blooms with poetic grace across all three novels, with a journal-to-narration melding joining the raw emotions of Josette and Daniel. Through alternating perspectives in the first two books, Korkidis crafts their separate, but somehow always connected, journeys that culminate in a return to Josette's voice in the final installment. The trilogy's central theme—the struggle for love without the sacrifice of individual dreams, the shared musical passion, and the pursuit of prestige at Juilliard and abroad—forms the bedrock of Korkidis' romance, bringing her readers into the intricacies of human connection and delivering a resonant and unforgettable contemporary omnibus that does not end when the trilogy is completed.