The Tidelings of Dras Sayve

A Novelette

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
80 Pages
Reviewed on 07/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Nino Lobiladze for Readers' Favorite

Emis Rindar is an experienced diplomat from the Dras Rindar clan. He arrives at Dras Sayve, another clan on Knyadrea, the moon of the planet Axis. Emis hopes to choose a student among the juvenile Dras Sayve's knyads, as he is a skilled tutor and can prepare his protégés for a brighter future. Emis attends the harvesting ceremony and observes the tidelings coming out of the sea to grow up on land. He notices Oklas, a juvenile who cares for the tidelings and helps them adapt to the new conditions. Emis realizes that Oklas is his future student, but he must persuade the eight governors of Dras Sayve to let him leave the clan known for its secretiveness. The Tidelings of Dras Sayve by C. B. Lansdell, a prequel novelette to the Apidecca Duology series, is a captivating read for science fiction and short story fans.

In The Tidelings of Dras Sayve, C. B. Lansdell creates a world like no other. The concept of sentient knyads developing from polyps to tidelings who then become juveniles is imaginative and engaging. This novelette is short but the detail-oriented author touches on many meaningful themes and topics. Dras Sayve jealously guards the clan's scientific and technological achievements. The story gives us food for thought regarding closed borders and intercultural exchange. Lansdell presents the arguments elegantly and without prejudice. Another intriguing theme is the attempt to clone sentient life forms. The characters are lively and deep. A brilliant diplomat, Emis, and the outgoing Oklas make a dynamic duo and promise exciting adventures and discoveries in the subsequent books of the series. I appreciated the expressive illustrations, a helpful map, and an introduction for those unfamiliar with the fascinating world of Knyadrea and its inhabitants.