The Velvet Sledgehammer

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Fiction - Humor/Comedy
404 Pages
Reviewed on 07/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Danelle Petersen for Readers' Favorite

Edward Savio’s The Velvet Sledgehammer introduces us to the hilarious and emotionally challenged Billy Gerrick, the United States' youngest Trade Representative and the unfortunate member of a nuclear family. Billy is enjoying his time off with his girlfriend, Laura, when out of the blue, she drops a bombshell, causing Billy to ponder his life's purpose. Due to having had a bad relationship with his father, Eddie worries about how he'll fare as a parent and partner, all while negotiating deals for the sake of a wholesome America and wondering whether fellow trader, the insatiable Rafael Perrieux, will pose a threat to his relationship yet again. Pretty soon, Eddie feels like he's caught in a chokehold, struggling for a way out. Luckily, he has seven days to figure it out and make the right decision.

Edward Savio’s hilarious novel had me laughing at every turn. The narrative was entertaining and effortlessly flew from one topic to the next. However, the book is far from just being a laugh-a-minute read as it touches on heavy, thought-provoking subjects like how having a troubling childhood can affect one's perception of oneself and relationships with others. Eddie is extremely relatable as the guy who fears getting it wrong, and who struggles deeply over his capabilities as a person. The Velvet Sledgehammer is a successful blend of humor and drama, making it one of the best books I've read all year. I recommend this must-read to fans of witty dialogue and emotionally charged subject matter.