The Wave and Other Stories

Tenth Anniversary Edition

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
181 Pages
Reviewed on 06/08/2014
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan for Readers' Favorite

The Wave and Other Stories: Tenth Anniversary Edition by Caren Gussoff is a collection of ten short stories that are insightful, profound and filled with empathy. The stories are original and stark in the narration of the day to day lives of the characters, making it a memorable collection. All the characters in the stories are haunting and dark and the author's imagination in developing the stories makes them what they are. The stories are not the run of the mill types; they revolve around characters caught in diverse situations in life and have endured some crisis.

The stories are not sentimental and that feeling is dominant while you read the book. Normal families, their life styles and their emotional behavior have been captured well. The language used and the narration borders on the abstract, making the read a very different experience. The author's voice and originality score over everything. All the stories leave readers asking for more. Some stories are insightful, some are thought provoking and some are unusually different, which gives readers a variety to choose from. The author is able to convince readers about the lives of the characters before the story commences and after the story ends, which is quite appealing. Some of the stories leave you with a feeling that they are novelistic and the writer can still add some feelings. I found the collection quite exciting because it does not cater to the usual and that is what makes it a good read.