The Way Up

Fiction - Realistic
320 Pages
Reviewed on 03/05/2014
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan for Readers' Favorite

The Way Up by Ward Jones is the story of John Howard who has been fired from a legal firm and is without a job. He works at different places to make ends meet and flits in and out of relationships, finally landing up with his parents. His time there is traumatic and unpleasant due to the death of his mother because of cancer, losing his brother in a car accident, and an alcoholic father. He falls in love with Kathy, another lawyer, and marries her. The string of unpleasant happenings continue in his life with his marriage ending in a divorce. His wife gets custody of their daughter.

The book shows the transition of John from an immature person to a suave, intelligent, and successful businessman. The author has developed the plot and the characters with ease without sounding contrived. We see John's character going through a multitude of emotions that are at times emotional and painful with bursts of sensuality. Both John and Kathy's character portrayal is good and the individual traits of both the characters stand out. The story line is convincing and engaging. The best part in the book is the relationship shared between John and his parents. Kathy, as an ambitious career woman, makes a lasting impact on readers. The descriptions of the scenes keep readers glued to the book. The story has a couple of sub-plots which blend in well with the main story.