The Yearning Heart

Romance - Historical
224 Pages
Reviewed on 03/27/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Maureen Timerman for Readers' Favorite

It was wartime in Britain. Seduced by her brother-in-law, Frances, 16, became pregnant. She was banished to a lonely farm where she gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. Her mother heartlessly wrenched the babies from her and told Frances that her baby daughter, Christine, died. Frances was overcome with grief. After years of loneliness and yearning, Frances searched for her son, Michael. She planned to tell him the truth of his birth. Michael however grew up believing Frances' sister, Isabel, was his mother. She had taken him to live in Australia with her new husband. Could Frances shatter her son's joy?

It was hard to think of Frances as being only 32 when Michael turns 16. The story takes several twists and turns, including some really heartwarming and heartbreaking times.

While I really disliked the mother, Agnes, I enjoyed her dad, Will. Her sister, Isabel, leaves a lot to be desired; she has one nasty disposition. Although it could be she is afraid to lose Michael, I really took a dislike to her.

This is definitely a British story; there are some things referred to in the book that I didn't know what they were talking about, but I did enjoy reading this tale.