The Younglings

Mayhem & Magic

Young Adult - Paranormal
406 Pages
Reviewed on 08/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Miche Arendse for Readers' Favorite

The Younglings: Mayhem & Magic by Helena M. Craggs follows Quinn Carter and his group of supernatural friends as they try to not only navigate life as young adults but also as supernatural beings. Quinn being half human and half demon is always fighting the darker side of his nature but having a beautiful half-angel at his side makes it a lot easier to manage. If only it were that easy to manage every other issue that seems to arise. Can Quinn conquer his dark side while helping the people he cares most about?

I really loved how the author decided to throw almost every supernatural being into this one group of friends. It felt like not only were they individually different based on the type of supernatural creatures they were but also based on their personalities. Their ‘species,’ for lack of a better word, is almost a reflection of who they are and we see how they grow and overcome issues relating to their specific abilities and situations. I also love how it made the found family concept in this story even better as they all come from completely different backgrounds. The Younglings by Helena M. Craggs is so well written and has really good world-building. The pacing is also just right, easing you into the dynamics of the characters before thrusting you into the real action. The best part of all was the twists and turns this story took; some I could almost predict but others caught me completely off guard, which I really enjoyed. Overall, this was such a good book and I would definitely recommend it.

Julia Doran

So if you haven't read The Younglings before and love everything buffy/scooby doo style with spooky mysteries supernatural beings, found family and plenty of action to keep you interested, I suggest picking up book 1 now and binging these books! They're very YA books (perfect for age 15+) but I love that I can pick these up and read them for the pleasure of it at any age.
Book 3 sees the spook crew back again and we are straight in to the action of solving mysteries with a blue eyed boy ghost! I found this story really cute and although it's a quick putting the dead to rest case, it brings a new member into the crew in the form of a cat Sevvy- who likes no one except Millie.
The first main story is centred around Joanna, a witch, who we saw in the last book and a grimoire called the veil of souls. To make sure joanna doesn't get her hands on this, the spook crew have to time hop back to 1612. Helena truly researched how people spoke and what they wore in this time, sparing no details. Everything was described immaculately and I loved the difference in language with Quinn and the people of 1612.
The other part of the main story is Rhys the Vampire tracker who is trying to end the Younglings and the elder vampire council by creating zombie vamps-his only wish to save Eve so he can make her his vampire queen.
The whole book is FULL of witty comments , sexy daddy demon Mr Atua, emotional tear wrenching moments and non stop action from start to finish.
Be prepared to laugh and cry with this incredible 3rd installment in The Younglings series!