There's a Dinosaur in My Ear

An Ear Tube Surgery Book for Kids

Children - Picture Book
34 Pages
Reviewed on 09/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

There's a Dinosaur in My Ear is a children's picture book by Nat Gibson. Olivia was playing in the bathtub when her ears started hurting. After a visit to the doctor, Olivia learns she has water in her ear and a little dinosaur that plays in it. The doctor assures Olivia that he will call the Dinosaur Catchers and put tiny tubes in her ear to drain the water and capture the dinosaur. Olivia calls it Ear-o-Saurus. The next morning, Olivia is ready to visit the Dinosaur Catchers and for Ear-o-Saurus to come out of her ear. Dino Daphne helps Olivia put on a special outfit while the Dinosaur Catchers prepare her for ear tube surgery. After they successfully drain the water, it's time for Olivia's recovery. And she has a new friend named Splash.

There's a Dinosaur in My Ear is a fun-filled picture book for young readers to help them understand ear tube surgery and its subsequent recovery process. Author Nat Gibson's story is very creative and taps into the reader's imagination with lively illustrations and a delightful adventure narrative. Olivia is a curious child with a vivid imagination who adapts to her earaches by treating them as an adventure with a playful dinosaur. Young children and even toddlers will discover they share much in common with Olivia, especially their love for adventure and fun. This is a brilliant way to prepare your child for ear tube surgery. Parents can read it to their toddlers, and other young readers can enjoy the book on their own. I thoroughly enjoyed it and highly recommend it.