This is Not a Parenting Book

Non-Fiction - Parenting
189 Pages
Reviewed on 06/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

This is Not a Parenting Book is a work of non-fiction in the parenting, advice and guidance, and education subgenres. It is suitable for the general adult reading audience. Penned by author Amy Huntsman, this bright and engaging text offers a refreshing departure from traditional parenting guides by providing a rich resource filled with guided thinking prompts and actionable suggestions tailored to each family's unique dynamics. Authored by an experienced Infant, Child & Family Development Specialist, the book draws from a blend of classic educational philosophies, neuroscience, and Huntsman's own unconventional upbringing. It challenges conventional wisdom and encourages a mindset shift toward nurturing authentic connections with children.

Author Amy Huntsman has crafted an essential guidebook that does not seek to list potential pitfalls or give parents a never-ending to-do list of things to remember, but rather equips them with the skills they need to handle whatever family life throws at them. Through Huntsman's deeply empathetic approach and decades of experience, the book serves as a compassionate guide on the tumultuous yet rewarding journey of parenting, and this is enhanced all the more by the friendly, down-to-earth narration style. With this person-centered approach at its core, the work is well organized to make it easy to refer back to key points. When the going gets tough, the passion and inspiration of the author shine through the text to inspire and motivate parents to keep going. It's not just a one-time read but a handbook for ongoing growth and improvement in the parenting journey, making it a must-read for anyone committed to raising compassionate, resilient, and connected individuals. Overall, I would highly recommend This is Not a Parenting Book to parents everywhere seeking an original take with plenty of practical steps and opportunities for growth.

Zahid Sheikh

This is Not a Parenting Book by Amy Huntsman is an encouraging guide that is different from all the traditional parenting books. It is a journey to respectful care and love with unique guidelines for parents and caregivers who face difficulties while raising their children. The author shares her personal experiences and some practical exercises to create a comprehensive guide structured around the COW mindset which is care, openness, and wonder. The discussion on various educational approaches like Montessori, Pikler, RIE, and Reggio Emilia adds depth to the narrative. Each chapter has practical exercises and reflective prompts that offer a judgment-free zone for parents. Motivational topics like connection and dialogue with the environment offer tools for effective communication with children in different situations.

Amy Huntsman’s This is Not a Parenting Book is infused with warmth, love, and care. While reading it, I was constantly reminded of the challenges I faced while raising my children. I did not have access to a book like this that has reflective exercises and provides practical advice to parents, fostering a thoughtful hands-on approach to respectful care. The author’s concern regarding child development helps readers reflect on their beliefs and biases. The author’s writing style is inspiring, clear and engaging. This is Not a Parenting Book is a collection of open-ended experiences, problem-solving, teaching, and learning. I highly recommend this book to parents and caregivers so they can apply the principles in their lives and break the traditional parenting journey.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

Amy Huntsman's This is Not a Parenting Book delivers a non-judgmental approach to raising infants and children. To connect with families who are still looking for methods that will work for them, Huntsman collected research from over 150 nannies and newborn care specialists in several countries and thirteen cities. The author explains the study of pedagogy and gives a brief review of some influential figures in its study and their contributions. Most of the book centers on an "ABC Glossary of Care", taking each letter and defining an important part of caregiving for infants and children. Huntsman gives samples of possible conversations and supplies responses that will help you and the child as he or she continues to develop a sense of autonomy and mental and emotional development.

Amy Huntsman shows ways in which caregivers may connect with children in a patient environment. Huntsman makes good points about self-care in relation to caregivers and provides a perspective into children's minds so they can adopt a new way of thinking and communicating with youth. As a parent, I felt welcomed into a circle of understanding instead of shamed for what I was or wasn't doing. The material in the text also applies to caregivers of minor children. Even some examples involving infants could be applied to older children and teens, especially the pieces about effective communication. This is Not a Parenting Book is a great selection for parents, co-parents, grandparents, and daycare workers as they learn to recognize and respond to verbal and nonverbal cues and set early expectations that prepare the child to be more self-sufficient.