Three Days of Rain

Fiction - Womens
354 Pages
Reviewed on 07/13/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Tracy Hanson for Readers' Favorite

Three Days of Rain by Christine Hughes is a great read. We follow Jake's relationship with Madison. She's very selfish and hurts who she wants for her own purposes. We find Jake has a new love in Lily who wants Jake to open up to her but finds it a struggle to get him to trust her. Only problem is, she is staying for the summer and no longer but that doesn't stop her doing all she can to help Jake. It's a case of will the evil Maddie come back and ruin it all? Will Lily's patience prevail or is Jake too damaged to trust anyone again?

I loved Three Days of Rain by Christine Hughes. The characters are likeable and the story is both interesting and well-written. It's a heart-warming story and so much more than a romantic novel. I found the accident scene easy to read and very believable. I was hooked right up to the end and felt Jake's anguish throughout. It was easy to see why he couldn't trust anyone after the damage Maddie had inflicted upon him. I would ask anyone to read this and if they said they weren't 'touched' by Jake, then I am not sure what would touch them. There are enough surprises and incidents to keep you wanting more. I am not usually a fan of books with flashbacks (I find it hard) but this was so well written I found myself actually enjoying the flashbacks. I will definitely be reading more of Ms Hughes' books.