Time Winders

A Long Distance, Time Travel, Romance Novel

Fiction - Science Fiction
258 Pages
Reviewed on 01/22/2015
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Valerie Rouse for Readers' Favorite

Time Winders is an interesting tale about an elderly gentleman, James, who encountered a time traveler in the still of the night. She abruptly crashed into his home, practically destroying it. John, who is a widower, was glad to be a companion to Tanya, his attractive intruder. They teamed up together, travelling through different regions and time periods in the world. Tanya showed James the ropes in terms of time travelling whilst searching for the wicked time traveler who had attempted to kill Tanya. James and Tanya made quite a team. They became lovers. James knew that he was taking a risk asking Tanya to abandon her role as a time cop and become his life companion. But would it work?

Time Winders is an usual story chronicling the May-December relationship of two seemingly mismatched individuals. Author T. Park created a lot of mystique in his first chapter as the names of the characters were only disclosed later on in the book. The language used is colloquial and is quite easy to understand. I enjoyed the revelation of the theme of good overcoming evil presented by the author. It was interesting that the female character had compassion, despite the fact that she was focused on achieving her objectives. The pace of the storyline is a fast one and the average reader literally gets caught up in the action packed chapters. I loved the descriptive details of the different scenarios inserted into the plot. In addition, the book makes you wonder about whether time travel is a myth. This demonstrates the sheer skill of the author in enveloping his readers in his time web. This book is a good read and I thoroughly recommend it to lovers of suspense novels.