Timmy Pterodactyl Learns To Fly

Children - Adventure
24 Pages
Reviewed on 09/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Inga Buccella for Readers' Favorite

Timmy Pterodactyl Learns To Fly by Matthew S. Lane is a lovely story with beautiful pictures. Long ago, "when dinosaurs ruled the earth," a young pterodactyl named Timmy enjoyed daily walks down to the river to play with his other dinosaur friends. But he had wings and wished to fly. His fellow pterodactyl friend Travis could fly. Timmy thought that if he used his wings to fly, it would save him time when meeting up with his other friends. Fortunately, Travis came to Timmy's rescue. On its surface, the bright images make this a perfect picture book for little ones. However, the deeper meanings in the story also make it appropriate for older children.

One of the things that I like about Timmy Pterodactyl Learns to Fly is the colorful, almost animated pictures that complement the story by Matthew S. Lane. What I love about this story is that there are underlying positive messages to be discovered. For example, Timmy's friend Travis helps him learn how to fly by his example. But it is Timmy's determination that eventually gets him off the ground. Choosing dinosaurs as characters is a great way to engage children in a story. Timmy and his friends are cute and funny, which will invite young readers to open this book. But we can all learn or be reminded of a few life lessons. I appreciated that the most important lesson of this story may not only be that Timmy learned to fly, but that Travis helped him reach for the sky. I found this story engaging and enjoyed it!