Tin Monkeys

Fiction - Science Fiction
293 Pages
Reviewed on 12/01/2015
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Scott Skipper for Readers' Favorite

A truly repulsive human being, a brilliantly eccentric TV scientist, and an altruistic sycophant intertwine their lives and deaths. FBI agent Singer with his new partner, idealistic rookie Anne Goodwin, investigate the bizarre death of mad scientist Doctor Theodore Grant, whose remains are found at his Ozark Mountains palatial retreat in an unusual condition — dust. The good doctor did, however, leave a video record of his final months as he spiraled into the maelstrom of madness, ultimately professing to have proven the existence of sentient nanobots inhabiting and controlling everyone and everything. Agent Goodwin is young, naive and enamored of the late Doctor Grant. Special Agent Singer is jaded, profane and utterly corrupt. Singer’s reality is somewhat suspect due to massive doses of Dilaudid, whiskey and insomnia. His behavior attracts the attention of his supervisor who orders his psychiatric evaluation by the voluptuous shrink, Doctor Carrie Dent — this can only exacerbate Singer’s problems. In the meantime, Agent Goodwin goes missing and the loyal agent side of Singer emerges to attempt to rescue his partner, if in a slightly conflicted state. When he locates her, she's replicated Doctor Grant’s lethal experiment.

Tin Monkeys is a many-layered onion. Every time one layer falls a whole new parallel universe reveals itself. The reader is hauled from Agent Singer’s gutter to Anne Goodwin’s utopia and into Doctor Grant’s hell, then back again. Andrenik Y. Sergoyan includes a great deal of cutting edge science in this convoluted tale of micro and macro predestination versus free will. He explores all reaches of the cosmos and theology with equal aplomb and continually returns to the seamy underbelly of a rogue cop’s sordid self-destruction. Tin Monkeys will intrigue, repulse and befuddle you. How can you resist?