To Snare an Heiress

Gaol Manor Book 1

Romance - Historical
352 Pages
Reviewed on 09/07/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

To Snare an Heiress by Evelyn King is the first book in the Gaol Manor series. This is a historical romance novel set in the Regency era, where the fiercely independent Mab Dubarry is determined to avoid marriage at all costs. After her father arranges a union with the odious Lord Paxton, Mab rebels, leading her to the mysterious Gaol Manor. There, she encounters William Blackwater, a struggling second son with no interest in marriage, who becomes embroiled in a murder plot. As their lives intertwine, romance and danger unfold in unexpected ways.

Author Evelyn King fills this engaging romantic drama with plenty of witty dialogue and endearing characters that captivate readers from the very first page. There’s such a fantastic twist on the typical Regency romance, however, as the murder plot intrudes on normal proceedings and offers some really exciting new opportunities to mix danger, crime, and the darker side of Regency life into the mix. The novel's playful absurdity is well-balanced to never get too far-fetched. A refreshing twist makes the plot both engaging and unpredictable as we never know where the next clue or discovery will be made, and what it will mean for Mab and her determination to remain independent. There’s a delightful blend of humor and romance that keeps the story light, and King's rich characterization of Mab and William provides a good balance of depth and emotional resonance as their bond deepens. Their journey from reluctant acquaintances into the sparks of love is a delight to behold and fits well into the sharp sensibilities of the novel that walk a fine line between good old-fashioned historical romance and witty, contemporary, independent heroines of literature. Overall, I would definitely recommend To Snare an Heiress to historical romance and mystery fans alike.