Tonto Yoder

The Final Journey

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
286 Pages
Reviewed on 06/25/2010
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Lynette Fowlston for Readers' Favorite

This is the final book in the Tonto Yoder Trilogy. In The Final Journey, Josheph (Tonto) Yoder is a farmer and successful business man with children of his own. He is still involved with the wagon train but is no longer the wagon master. When he learns the wagon train needs him he and his wife Maggie leave their first child, “Lil” Joe with Joseph’s mother and father. The couple head North West to Oregon.

The railroad is making its way west and wagon trains are no longer needed. Upon their return the couple vows never to take another wagon train west. When rumors of war become a reality they change their mind. Joseph and his family sale everything and take their journey to Oregon by wagon train. They are joined by his parents and his former scout. Dangers surround them on their journey. The author has another hit on his hands. Romance, drama and an excellent western plot, what more could a reader ask for.