Town and Country

Voices from the Mid-Ohio Valley

Fiction - Anthology
183 Pages
Reviewed on 09/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Town and Country is an enthralling collection of short stories by Carl Parsons. These tales are set in the Mid-Ohio Valley in America and feature a colorful array of characters. An old man returns to his hometown where he grew up, hoping to reconnect with old friends, only to realize everything has changed. Two childhood sweethearts struggle to accept the oncoming possibility of their separation forever. A caretaker in a nursing home witnesses the inevitable fate of a patient. A librarian with an introverted husband unwittingly draws the attention of other men through her beauty and charm. While trying to find a spot to fish, two brothers come across hermits who know their grandmother. The postmistress of a rural town draws the ire of the local church-going women due to her unmarried status.

Town and Country is a riveting collection of slice-of-life stories that shed light on the different facets of the human experience. Carl Parsons brings the ambiance of rural/small-town America onto the pages of this captivating anthology. The characters display various aspects of human behavior in different situations. These characters are grounded and have a salt-of-the-earth aura about them that makes them so compelling to the reader. Each character is distinct and has a lively personality of their own. The author really captures the way people in rural America speak with the dialogue, and it is delicious to savor. On the whole, this book is tailor-made for short fiction lovers. I thoroughly enjoyed this anthology, and I heartily recommend it to readers who enjoy short slice-of-life stories.