True Confessions of an Ambivalent Caregiver

A Memoir in Essays

Non-Fiction - Memoir
168 Pages
Reviewed on 09/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

True Confessions of an Ambivalent Caregiver is a collection of essays by Cindy Eastman. The desire to commiserate with other caregivers and make people aware of the growing need for resources for older people and their families motivated the author to write these essays. Eastman divided her journal into three parts to give a clear picture of her father before he lived with her and her husband, during his time with them, and afterward. Her writings outline her father's character, his changes, his daily routines, and the guilt and sadness that followed. Eastman details the many ways a relationship changes as a parent ages and the support caregivers wish for, but very seldom feel comfortable asking for.

With lots of humorous insight, Cindy Eastman validates the struggles and sacrifices and describes what you want to say - even if you never utter a word. Eastman encourages readers to make a caregiver wish list and catalog items for their loved ones and advocate for loved ones with medical professionals and insurance companies, and caregiving during the pandemic. The author urges you not to feel guilty for tending to your needs or to be ashamed if you forget something and to forgive yourself when you don't meet your high expectations. People who hope to learn ways to help caregivers can also benefit from reading Eastman's narrative. They can see what to do - or not do - if they wish to relieve some of the pressure. Eastman isn't afraid to reveal genuine thoughts and feelings about caregiving, even if these aren't always flattering. True Confessions of an Ambivalent Caregiver shows that, sometimes, just getting through the day is an accomplishment, and it's enough.