True Grace

A Black Woman's Journey to Save Her Family

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
309 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

True Grace: A Black Woman's Journey to Save Her Family is a work of fiction in the historical fiction, cultural writing, women’s fiction, and interpersonal drama subgenres. It is best suited to adult readers owing to some content pertaining to sexual violence, and it was penned by author Karen E. Osborne. We are invited into the midst of a powerful and captivating story set during the Harlem Renaissance and Roaring Twenties in 1924. We follow the journey of Grace, an immigrant woman of mixed race from the Congo, England, and Jamaica, as she fights to save her family. Grace's propulsive family saga is woven with vivid historical detail inspired by real people and events. As she faces misogyny, racism, and adversity, readers will be enthralled by her determination and grace in overcoming harrowing circumstances.

Author Karen E. Osborne's attention to detail, character, and emotion transported me to Harlem, and I became deeply invested in Grace's journey as I saw the world through her eyes. The novel tackles important themes of identity, family bonds, and the challenges faced by marginalized communities during that era, all with a smooth and confident narrative style that pulled no punches. Grace's fight against misogyny, racism, and societal injustices was both heartbreaking and empowering. The historical detail and authenticity of the setting added depth to the narrative, making it a rich and compelling read. Overall, True Grace is a beautifully written family saga with a compelling plot, vivid characters, and poignant themes that left a lasting impact, making it a must-read for anyone seeking a powerful and resonant historical fiction novel.