Turning the Giant

Disrupting Your Industry with Persistent Innovation

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
160 Pages
Reviewed on 05/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Paul Zietsman for Readers' Favorite

John Berra's Turning the Giant: Disrupting Your Industry with Persistent Innovation is about facing and coming to grips with what stands before us and taking steps to overcome it. In contrast to the biblical David, who kills Goliath with a slingshot, John guides the reader to identify and see their obstacles as giants strategically, not to be slain but to challenge them into taking action. As a business leader, he describes the processes of innovation and disruption in business as key elements in staying ahead of the competition. His greatest feat in business perhaps came in the early to mid-nineties, when he served as president of Emerson Process Management. During this time, he was at the forefront of the DeltaV project. Way ahead of its time, the process included using Windows PCs in the automation industry. This was before the launch of Microsoft's Windows '95.
I appreciated John Berra's ability to inspire me to turn my personal giants, even though Turning the Giant is a business/finance book. His steps to overcome the giants of self-doubt, success, sacrifice, and the like are exceedingly pragmatic and can be applied universally. Often quoting great minds or leaders such as Winston Churchill or Elon Musk, he puts his points across eloquently, adding to the book's inspiration. I enjoyed reading his personal story, which told more about his working career and his leadership in the automation industry. I could tell from this narrative that John leads by example and with integrity, having the same standards for himself as he expects from his followers. Turning the Giant is an uplifting and inspiring read and can be extremely helpful in identifying and working with and against obstacles. What are your giants?