Tuxedo Baby

Children - Animals
31 Pages
Reviewed on 06/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emma Megan for Readers' Favorite

Tuxedo Baby by Victoria Smith is a charming children's picture book about adoption. It tells the story of how an orphaned penguin became part of a kind cherry-headed parrot family. Tuxedo Baby wants loving parents, and Mr. and Mrs. Conure want a baby. Thus, Mr. and Mrs. Conure fly from Peru to Chile to adopt Tuxedo Baby and raise him as their own. Tuxedo Baby learns many things from the Conures, but he admires their flying abilities the most. He loves seeing other parrots fly and dreams of someday flying like them. When a friend tries to help him fly, he does not succeed. Tuxedo Baby also gets into trouble every time he tries new things. Luckily for him, he has supportive parents who advise him properly. One day, his parents tell him they have good news to share with him. How will Tuxedo Baby react to the news?

Tuxedo Baby by Victoria Smith is a heartwarming and precious story for adoptive families and penguin and parrot lovers. I fell in love with Tuxedo Baby. The illustrations by Helen Stebakov are exquisite, and they complement the story perfectly. This book encourages young readers to try new things, be aware of their limitations, and be careful. It shows that families come in many combinations and affirms how love, care, and support are what truly makes a family. It's about belonging, acceptance, unconditional love, perseverance, and the meaning of family. It also contains facts about cherry-head conures, Magellanic penguins, and oil spills. This would be a thoughtful and perfect gift for adoptive families celebrating the arrival of a child or new family member.