Unfinished Business

A Case Missing from The Janus Project Files

Fiction - Time Travel
499 Pages
Reviewed on 09/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Saifunnissa Hassam for Readers' Favorite

Brad Anderson’s Unfinished Business: A Case Missing from The Janus Project Files is an exciting time travel thriller, an intricate detective story, murder mystery, and crime involving humans and vampires. The story begins in 2015 in Maryland, with time travel into the recent past to Ogallala, Nebraska. Deputy US Marshall Robert Mackie is a member of the Janus Project, designed to protect key trial witnesses where no one would think of looking for them: in places in the past. Dyan Strother is a crucial witness in a US government investigation of criminal activity. She agrees to be a cooperative witness if she can be part of the investigation to solve the murder of a friend of hers. Robert and Dyan jump back into the past to gather evidence in Ogallala, Nebraska, where her friend was murdered. The story grows more complex, with both humans and vampires as significant characters.  Vampires have lived amongst humans over the centuries. Like humans, they have families; they engage in social, economic, and cultural activities. Suspense permeates this thriller from start to finish.

I thoroughly enjoyed Unfinished Business for its outstanding character development and intriguing storyline of time travel to solve a murder mystery. I particularly liked how the character development of the two principal characters, Deputy US Marshall Robert Mackie and the witness Dyan Strother occurs.  Both characters spring to life as they work together. Both have sharp minds, are keen observers, and are courageous when confronted with dangerous situations. I liked the element of uncertainty between them, unsure of how far to trust each other. The dialogues were exceptionally good, carrying the plot forward and revealing vivid details of the principal and secondary characters. The involvement of vampires was also well-crafted. Vampires recognize each other, but their vampire nature remains hidden and undetected by humans. Their character development was richly imagined and highly realistic through evocative settings and atmosphere, adding an eerie, unsettling dimension to the murder mystery and investigation. Brad Anderson’s Unfinished Business is a terrific read with remarkable characters, intrigue, murder, and suspense.