Until I Have No More To Give

A Hiram Robinett Story of the Civil War

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
355 Pages
Reviewed on 08/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Curt J Robinette's historical fiction novel, Until I Have No More To Give, offers a poignant exploration of post-Civil War America through the eyes of Hiram Robinett, a soldier-turned-bureaucrat who dedicates his life to rebuilding a fractured nation. The novel explores the complexities of the Reconstruction era, a time when the country was grappling with the aftermath of war, the assassination of President Lincoln, and the challenges of integrating millions of newly freed slaves into society. Hiram, who lost an arm at Gettysburg, embodies the resilience and determination of a generation scarred by war yet committed to the ideals of freedom and justice. As a member of the Freedmen's Bureau, Hiram faces insurmountable odds—hostility from the South, resistance from within the government, and the overwhelming task of addressing the needs of millions with limited resources.

Curt J Robinette skillfully captures the internal and external battles these unsung heroes faced, shedding light on a lesser-known but crucial aspect of American history. Hiram's journey is heart-wrenching and inspiring, making it a compelling read for those interested in the human element of historical events. Until I Have No More To Give is a story of enduring hope, dedication, and the pursuit of justice. This novel is a fitting tribute to the heroes of the Freedmen's Bureau and a compelling read for anyone interested in the Civil War and its profound impact on America. I’ve read many historical fiction books about the Civil War, and this is truly one of the best. The Freedmen’s Bureau hasn’t received the attention it deserves until now. It belongs in every American history classroom.