Vincent von Egg

Children - Social Issues
44 Pages
Reviewed on 06/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Afifa Raisa for Readers' Favorite

Vincent von Egg by Carmen Coronado is a beautiful picture book that tells the story of Vincent, a mean and arrogant egg from Frijjerayter Land. Anyone whom Vincent perceives to be different from him becomes the victim of his cruel words. His friends, the twin cookies, do not approve of his unkind behavior, but they refrain from stopping him for the sake of peace. One day, one of the inhabitants of Frijjerayter Land calls a town meeting, deciding that Vincent's actions can no longer be tolerated. All the concerned individuals, including the twin cookies, show up at the meeting. Vincent secretly listens to the people’s complaints against him, and he suddenly realizes the impact of the harm he has been causing. His beautiful and perfect shell cracks, and he does not recover until the community forgives and accepts him once again.

Vincent von Egg by Carmen Coronado comes with important lessons for young readers. Carmen effectively shows the adverse effects that mere words can have on someone. I love how she portrays the inner state of Vincent through his outward cracks and the way a single crack lingers following his recovery. The imperfection in this case makes him better than before as it serves as a reminder for him to stay kind and humble—qualities that make a person beautiful in the true sense. Frijjerayter Land symbolizes our own world: a diverse place that can be made beautiful with love, kindness, and tolerance. I would recommend the book to children aged four to six.