Watery Wonders

Chip Colquhoun & Korky Paul's Fables & Fairy Tales

Children - Grade 4th-6th
80 Pages
Reviewed on 07/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by P. Rosenthal for Readers' Favorite

Watery Wonders: Chip Colquhoun & Korky Paul's Fables & Fairy Tales comprises two tales by Chip Colquhoun. The first retells a Japanese folktale. In Urashima Taro and the Underwater Kingdom, Urashima Taro demonstrates his kindness when he rescues a turtle from being tormented by a group of children. In return, a large sea turtle saves Taro when Taro’s boat capsizes. Taro is taken to the palace of the Sea King where he beholds many wonders. “But remember: every story needs something bad to happen…” The second story is about three best friends who happen to be droplets. When a cloud releases rain over Montana, the title characters Drip, Drop, and Plop are forced on unwilling and separate adventures. “Drip, Drop, Plop – When will they stop?”

The message in Chip Colquhoun’s Urashima Taro and the Underwater Kingdom is that life is not always fair. Often, we generate our unhappiness. Because Taro is flawed, but kind, he is a relatable character. With each reminder that something bad will happen, tension builds. In both tales, the repeated phrasing creates a great way for youngsters to participate in each story. In Drip, Drop, Plop, the droplets are inseparable and love to dance and play all day. Colquhoun creates suspense when the three are forced apart and sent in different directions. The journey each takes is filled with action-packed adventure. The strong bond between Drip, Drop, and Plop exudes themes of love and friendship. The illustrations by Korky Paul and Mario Coelho beautifully enhance the text. The tales in Watery Wonders have the makings of memorable bedtime stories.