When I Am President

Children - Social Issues
35 Pages
Reviewed on 06/27/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emma Megan for Readers' Favorite

When I Am President is an inspirational and delightful children's picture book written and illustrated by Jesse Gidcumb. With its empowering message, this story inspires and encourages children at a young age to strive for greatness and make a positive change in the world. It helps them develop a sense of responsibility to become contributing citizens and teaches them that they can change the world for the better. The story encourages young readers to actively pursue their goals and share their visions of the future. It is about a young black girl's list of what she will do when she becomes president. Her list inspires young readers, among others, to care for animals, fight against pollution, and treat everyone as equals, regardless of their culture, religion, race, or neighborhood.

Jesse Gidcumb encourages future generations to dream big, like even becoming president one day, giving them hope and a drive to pursue careers that will enable them to make a difference. When I Am President helps kids start thinking about their future and invites them to list ten things they would do if they were president. It opens a door to a must-have conversation between parents and their children about the future of our planet and their contribution to making our world better. This book contains delightful illustrations by Olivia Gidcumb and a glossary of terms. It motivates kids to take action, leap over the status quo, and firmly believe that they have the power to change the world. It's for children of all ages who want to embrace the responsibility of caring for our planet.