When Liberty Enslaves

The Toxic Blend of Faith and Politics

Non-Fiction - Gov/Politics
250 Pages
Reviewed on 08/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Grant Leishman for Readers' Favorite

Sometimes you pick up a book and it grabs you by the scruff of the neck, shakes you around a bit, and makes you exclaim, “Everyone needs to read this.” When Liberty Enslaves: The Toxic Blend of Faith and Politics by Jerry Aveta was just such a book, for me. The author effectively compares the social conditions, political situation, religious involvement, and general environment of the United States before the Civil War with our current political environment. What drove the secessionists in 1860 was the economic need for slavery for the South to maintain its power and wealth, despite the moral arguments regarding the right of all to be free and equal. The author points out that although equality was the goal, people of faith were found on both sides of the argument justifying their positions as secessionists or abolitionists. Moving forward to 2021 and the attempt by an insurrection to usurp the change of power following the 2020 election, the author points out that, as in 1860, it was a perceived removal of liberties and freedoms that drove the division between the conservatives and the liberals. This time the freedom and rights being threatened were a “woman’s right to choose” and the right to bear and carry arms, including lethal military-style weapons. Again, people of faith were right at the center of this argument, many blindly allying themselves with a political discourse that bears little relation to their doctrinal beliefs.

When Liberty Enslaves gets right to the heart of the political and social polarization that has been the hallmark of twenty-first-century politics. Jerry Aveta accurately portrays the capture of the Christian faith and more specifically those designated as Evangelical Christians by the extreme conservative movement. He rightly points out that Christian Nationalism is a proxy for white supremacy and white nationalism. The failure of successive generations to come to terms with the horror of enslaving human beings and to create an environment where African Americans had the same opportunities; educationally, health-wise, employment-wise, and socially is a large part of the reason for the continuing racial tension that is endemic in the United States. The argument that institutionalized racism does not exist in the United States is aptly destroyed by the author’s careful analysis of what has occurred with the black population since emancipation. The author’s constant footnotes prove and justify his sources, which were not “fake news.” Running through this entire narrative is the conviction that people of faith must stop blindly following the dictates and philosophies of their spiritual leaders and begin to consider the realities of the current situation. This is one of the most straightforward, timely, and important books of our time.

Frank Mutuma

The first part of When Liberty Enslaves by Jerry Aveta looks at different events in American history that have influenced various social and political issues. Slavery, which was explicit, violent, and inhumane, caused a huge divide between Americans; the divide was worsened by religious influence. The issue culminated in the Civil War. How is slavery related to current racism? The second part explores issues that threaten democracy currently, like increased intolerance of minorities, reduced liberties, and voter suppression laws in many states. It also looks at religious extremism and how it’s not compatible with the Constitution, despite the notion by some groups that the Founding Fathers intended America to be a Christian nation.

When Liberty Enslaves by Jerry Aveta rightly argues that we cannot convince others of how correct our position on social issues is by attacking them and restricting their liberties. This thought-provoking work also offers a unique perspective on issues like drug abuse and immigration that have been used to divide people politically. It also got me thinking about how dangerous it can be to mix religion and politics and how it has influenced the current political environment. I loved the examples used by Jerry to help explain the issues, which made this amazing work effective in passing on the intended message. The reader will also appreciate some historical issues that are rarely mentioned but that have been brought to light. This was an informative read, and I look forward to reading something else by this author.

Foluso Falaye

Jerry Aveta's When Liberty Enslaves is an exploration of the chaotic relationship between religion and politics in the USA, as well as a call for focusing on the importance of true freedom and making wise political decisions. Since Jerry grew up in a predominately white New Jersey community in a second-generation Italian family, his reality was distant from the plight of blacks in the USA. Fortunately, he became more aware of this issue after witnessing George Floyd's death in 2020. From his personal views on slavery and the struggles of black Americans today to messages about Christian values, Jerry shares thought-provoking essays that address various political, social, and religious problems. By looking into the history of the USA and events from Lincoln's time, the book exposes how views of faith can alter over time, especially concerning the changing of a nation’s political landscape.

The logical essays are presented with convincing arguments and enlightening ideas. For example, the book highlights the irony of encouraging slavery in a nation that prides itself on the freedom of its people. Several other contradictions are explored, with Jerry Aveta examining the worlds of religion and politics. Also, readers will benefit from the diverse religious verses and interpretations. These elements are complemented by the author's personal stories, which highlight his growth from being a regular churchgoer to questioning what he's being taught in church and arriving at his own conclusions about religion. Ultimately, When Liberty Enslaves gives us a chance to unlearn dogmatic ideologies and embrace rational perspectives. It's a must-read for history fans and those who care about preserving democracy and freedom in the USA.