Why Americans Have It All Wrong: An Alternative Way to Find Happiness

Tales and Tips From a Corporate Lawyer Turned Expat

Non-Fiction - Memoir
178 Pages
Reviewed on 09/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Joe Wisinski for Readers' Favorite

In Why Americans Have It All Wrong: An Alternative Way to Find Happiness, author David Rosenfield urges readers to consider exchanging their current lifestyle for one that is more enjoyable and satisfying. He starts by writing about the widespread dissatisfaction that many Americans have with their jobs. He then tells them there are alternatives; they don’t need to be locked into a life they’re not happy with. To make his points, the author writes extensively about his life and how he chose to leave his job to travel and teach overseas. The book addresses both personal and professional happiness. It is divided into seven parts, including The Personal Recognition Stage and Practical Impairments to Finding Happiness. There are inspirational quotes from numerous well-known authors, many statistics, and numerous footnotes that add information and elucidation to the point being made. The book is designed to help readers take the bold steps necessary to change their lives.

Why Americans Have It All Wrong by David Rosenfield is a powerful book. Although the author chooses to travel as his lifestyle, the same principles that he writes about, along with his concrete ideas, can help anyone who wants to make changes in life. The book is eminently practical—the author raises issues, explains problems, and most importantly, provides solutions. His extensive use of personal anecdotes helps readers identify with the points made. The section about the obstacles those who choose a different lifestyle will face is both important and pragmatic. I especially liked the commonsense suggestions he made throughout the book. For example, he writes about how ludicrous (his word) it is to spend an exorbitant amount on an engagement ring. He writes similarly wise words about overspending on an extravagant wedding. I highly recommend this superb book to everyone. I can all but guarantee that it will change lives.