Why Things Don't Work

It's Systemic..and... We Can Fix It

Non-Fiction - Social Issues
443 Pages
Reviewed on 09/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Divine Zape for Readers' Favorite

Why Things Don't Work: It's Systemic and We Can Fix It is a game-changing and comprehensive guide to understanding human behavior and solving complex systemic problems. Brock Hotaling and Harry Foundalis present a revolutionary approach to understanding human behavior in this groundbreaking book. Exploring the science of human systems reveals the underlying causes of systemic failures that plague our world, from ineffective policies to violent conflicts. Through clear explanations, real-world examples, and innovative methods, the authors demonstrate how the lack of systemic understanding has led to widespread failures in various areas, including healthcare, education, and international relations. They show how pursuing emotional and intellectual IQs has led to false hopes and ineffective solutions and how we can instead develop a "SysIQ" — the ability to see things systemically and create truly sustainable policies.

This book offers compelling arguments, and the authors explore the themes thoroughly. The book argues that traditional methods of understanding human behavior are inadequate and underlines the faults in our contemporary thinking. Human Systemics is an innovative system and a methodology that combines hard science with soft science to identify the root causes of systemic issues. Brock Hotaling and Harry Foundalis examine cognitive biases and distortions that influence human behavior and decision-making. The book draws parallels between the Matrix (a fictional world created by humans) and the real world, arguing that our current socio-economic system is a matrix that we are trapped in. Why Things Don't Work covers a wide range of topics related to human behavior and systemic issues. The use of real-life and practical examples makes the book even more accessible. This hugely informative book offers tools for understanding the problems plaguing our societies and making decisions that lead to positive outcomes.