Wife By the Hour

Romance - Sizzle
268 Pages
Reviewed on 08/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Wife By The Hour is a romance drama by Gail Treasure. In her mid-forties now, Jade Matthews has been working as a high-society escort in Toronto as "Just Julia" for the past ten years. A single mother with an eleven-year-old daughter named Belle, she plans to change careers and move into full-time teaching. However, her plans fall apart when she develops feelings for her last client, Alex Green, a successful bioengineer. Julia discovers that Alex is married to her old friend Zoe, with whom she spent time as an au pair twenty-five years ago in St. Paul de Vence. On an invitation by Alex, Julia and Belle make a trip to France, where Julia inevitably runs into Zoe. With Zoe revealing her deepest secret to her, how will Julia's feelings for Alex affect her friendship with Zoe?

A steamy romance filled with drama and shocking reveals, Wife By The Hour engages you from beginning to end. Author Gail Treasure uses a non-linear narrative that switches back and forth between two timelines and keeps you immersed all the way through. At its core, this is a character-driven drama that explores complex relationship dynamics through the lens of a woman caught in a dilemma over her love for a man and her loyalty to an old friend. Treasure's characters are vivid and so very human. They have flaws and vulnerabilities readers can relate to. I loved reading about Julia's seven reasons as to why Alex won't leave Zoe for her. The ending wraps up the story with a neat little bow, and personally, I found it very satisfying. Contemporary romance readers are going to love this book.