Willful Parties

Romance - Sizzle
325 Pages
Reviewed on 10/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Keith Mbuya for Readers' Favorite

From a distance, Kat, Seth, and Dylan easily passed for just good friends. But no one knew about their sexual relationship for the three years they had been in law school in Chicago. Now that they were graduating, the future held them hostage with uncertainty about their relationship. Dylan, the homosexual in the trio, was moving to California to help with the family business and jumpstart his career. Seth, the bisexual in the trio, and Kat remained in Chicago for the same reasons. As the trio juggles their new responsibilities while trying to reconnect and salvage their romantic relationship, they find themselves on a slippery road riddled with rejection, losses, and discoveries. Find out what happens to the young rookie attorneys and their relationship in Liz Ellyn’s Willful Parties.

Lovers of LGBTQ and romance novels will find Liz Ellyn’s Willful Parties an enthralling read. Ellyn harnesses sentiment to the storyline, bringing out the cast’s emotions while juxtaposing their complex traits. This coupled with the vivid depictions of the scenes gave me a palpable experience of their unique lives, hurling me into a world of sex, love, flirting, regrets, rejection, family dynamics, legal battles, drama, suspense, and so much more. Ellyn’s commentary on pop culture gives the story a contemporary edge. Seth, Kat, and Dylan’s relationship paints a picture of what romantic relationships of the twenty-first century may look like. The young attorneys learn the hard way that family is not just about people we share blood connections with, but those who stand by our side in our brightest and darkest days, loving us unconditionally.