Woman of Honor

The Kingdom of Arnhem Book 1

Fiction - Fantasy - General
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 08/10/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

Aislinn of Bairdhe’s one desire was to follow in her deceased brother’s footsteps and become a knight. It was important to maintain her family’s prestige in the knighthood. She was only 7 years old when she began her training as a page. King Patrick agreed to allow her begin training. The other pages ridiculed her because she was female. Prince Caelan was the worst.

As the years slowly past Aislinn and Caelan went from being antagonistic to each other to becoming close friends, to falling in love. As their training continue there was an underlying threat of war. Aislinn was committed to serve Arnhem and become the King’s Champion.

This then is the story of a young girl who has a dream and embarks on the journey to bring her dreams to realization. It always amazes me how authors of fantasy books can come up with the names of their characters. This was an interesting read. I enjoyed watching the characters mature from children to young adults. This book held my interest from beginning to end.