Crowman is a work of fiction set in a dark fantasy world and was penned by author David Rae. The plot centres around Utas, father to a sick daughter, and his quest to cure her will force him to face truths about himself, and the...
Crowman is a work of fiction set in a dark fantasy world and was penned by author David Rae. The plot centres around Utas, father to a sick daughter, and his quest to cure her will force him to face truths about himself, and the...
Dianis is a Class E planet under the supervision of the Avarian Federation. As such, it is a planet to be studied and reported on but no intervention is allowed. The Matriarch: Dianis, A World in Turmoil by Frank Dravis introduces us to this world...
Unraveling of the Soul is a work of world-spanning epic fantasy fiction penned by author duo Amanda Muratoff and Kayla Mansur. Forming the final part of The Berylian Key trilogy and a continuing novel in The Pantracia Chronicles, the fates of our three key heroes...
Justice is the opening book in The Black Shade of White trilogy by Cattleya, a novel with a magical setting, phenomenal characters, and strong themes that are intelligently developed. The novel plunges the reader into a strife-ridden medieval Aragon where powerful forces are pitted against...
In T.L. Callahan's Rising Chaos, Lia Davis had known things would be expected of her as Bennett's bond-mate, but when he whisked her away to his home she realized just how much was expected from her. Raised with no knowledge of their people, Lia finds...
Justina has moved into her new dorm room and she’s settled into her classes. With all the course work, she hardly pays attention to the mysterious antique mirror left behind in her room. That is until the elaborate jewel embedded in the frame starts glowing...
Back In My Day is a work of light-hearted fiction aimed at female audiences, and was penned by author Maggie Aldrich. What begins as a quite usual adventure in chick lit takes a sudden turn into fantastic fantasy and time travel fiction for a mother...
Blood of the Key is a superb work of fantasy fiction, adventure, and intrigue penned by author duo Amanda Muratoff and Kayla Mansur. Forming the second novel of the Berylian Key Trilogy (also part of the Pantracia Chronicles), this fully cinematic and atmospheric story picks...
The Time Mechanic by Victoria Bastedo is a thrilling and mysterious adventure that explores the concept of time. Jeremy has always been ordinary. He’s tried to put the pain of his past behind him and to move on from his fiancée whom he caught in...
Terraless: The Fantasy World by Thorby Rudbek is the first adventure in a unique magical fantasy series. The story delves into an oppressed society of enslaved people that are discovering a new concept beyond their wildest dreams: freedom. As darkness descends over them, a bow-girl...