Death By A HoneyBee

A Josiah Reynolds Mystery
By Abigail Keam

Josiah Reynolds, a former art history professor, was once a celebrity with wealth, social position, and a famous husband. Now all of that is gone. She finds her circumstances drastically altered. Retired, Josiah is now a full-time beekeeper, trying to stay afloat by selling...

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A Deal and A Handshake

By Vickie Britton and Loretta Jackson

This book transports the reader back to the old west. The setting is Coal County, Wyoming. Jeff McGuede, Sheriff of Coal County, has an abundance of murders to solve and is constantly breaking up a fight. Just as he gets one solved, he is confronted...

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Chameleon Conspiracy, The

Dan Gordon Thrillers
By Haggai Carmon

Haggai Carmon brings his vast knowledge to his latest novel The Chameleon Conspiracy. He takes the reader on an international journey as Dan Gorden searches for the answer to a case that has baffled law enforcement for many years. Gorden was given the...

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Dead In Red

By L.L. Bartlett

Life has not been the same since Private Investigator Jeff Resnick barely survived a mugging. The trauma of a ball bat to the head left him with the ability to “read” people. Tom Link, owner of Whole Nine Yards, offers Jeff a job as a...

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A Case of Imagination

By Jane Tesh

It is difficult for a former beauty queen to achieve respect as a private investigation.  Madeline Maclin is determined to make her career work. He former employer does not make things easy for her. He flirts with her and steals her clients. Jerry Fairweather is from...

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