Downtown Milestoneville

Milestoneville Drama Series
By Golden November

Downtown Milestoneville is a work of fiction in the interpersonal drama, slice-of-life, and comedy genres penned by author Golden November. In this new installment of the Milestoneville Drama Series, book hunters G and JBT are on a thrilling quest to track down a rare first...

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Driving for Justice

By Justin K Kojok

Driving For Justice is a work of fiction penned by author Justin K Kojok in the literary and interpersonal drama genres. This compelling narrative is set in a vibrant city where John Sanbian, a high-flying lawyer turned Laafia car driver, encounters a tapestry of human...

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Dancing Bears

By William Jackson

When their parents died and the eviction notice arrived, Vireo’s sister Belinda, eighteen, drops out of high school and becomes an exotic dancer at the Dancing Bears club to pay the bills. Things are looking bright for the two sisters until a customer gets Belinda...

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Doing Time in California

By Dwight Jesmer

Doing Time in California is a slice-of-life drama by Dwight Jesmer. Kimo Jones is a former Catholic school teacher serving a stint in a minimum security prison for a DUI felony in California. Determined to play in the annual golf tournament in Stockton with his...

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Book Donation

Double Deception

A Novella
By Rita H Rowe

Double Deception by Rita H Rowe is a short story about the perfect life. That’s what Tess thinks she has, with a successful career and the family of her dreams. But then Brian comes into her life, and suddenly Tess realizes that her life wasn’t...

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By Linda Sheehan

Decanted by Linda Sheehan is a novel in the women’s fiction, slice of life, and interpersonal drama subgenres. It is intended for the adult reading audience owing to sexual references and occasional explicit language. Spanning two different generations of women seeking life, love, and liberation,...

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Destination 2

Frontline Workers During the Pandemic
By Tarze Thomas

Destination 2: Frontline Workers During the Pandemic by Tarze Thomas is a collection of two stories about working in retail during the pandemic. The first story is Bailey’s Decision. Bailey has lost her husband and lives alone with her cats. Struggling to cope, she decides...

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Book Donation

Doctor Bob

Amorous Adventures of a Psychiatrist Addicted to Women and Alcohol
By Peter Kelton

Doctor Bob: Amorous Adventures of a Psychiatrist Addicted to Women and Alcohol by Peter Kelton is a challenging, complex amalgam of psychiatry, cosmology, birdwatching, communing with animals, fine food and drink, chaotic relationships, Japanese design, Mafia surveillance, the pathos of Skid Row, Amazonian forestry, helping...

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Dangerously In Love

By TJ Hope

T. J. Hope's Dangerously In Love is about Bianca Parker, a young woman who struggles with low self-image, distrust in relationships, and mental illness. Bianca's mental illness is inherited from her mother, who left her in a dumpster when she was a week old, murdered...

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Review Exchange

Participates in Book Donation Program

Book Donation

Dak Ackerthefifth and the Ethics of Heroism

By Joshua S Joseph

Dak Ackerthefifth and the Ethics of Heroism is a work of fiction penned in the literary style by Joshua S. Joseph. Written for mature readers due to the presence of some adult language and situations, this thought-provoking novel plays on the themes of existentialism and...

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Participates in Review Exchange Program

Review Exchange

Participates in Book Donation Program

Book Donation