Purposeful Evolution

By Ron Deming

Purposeful Evolution is a concise work of non-fiction focusing on modern theories of evolutionary science, penned by author Ron Deming. When readers first consider the topic of evolution, the original ideas and theories of Charles Darwin are often the first to come to light, but...

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How to Weave a Theme into your Story

TBC Writer's Toolkit Series Book 9
By Ruchira Khanna

How to Weave a Theme into your Story (TBC Writer's Toolkit Series Book 9) by Ruchira Khanna is a how-to book for writers. The author gives you ideas on how to use a theme to make your story better. Ruchira Khanna also gives you examples...

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By Oleg Konovalov

Leaderology by Oleg Konovalov is an innovative way of looking at how to lead a company. Oleg Konovalov discusses how culture works and how a leader should use it to the company's advantage. They discuss how the leader should not only worry about how to...

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You Can Stop Procrastination Today!

Never Put Off Tomorrow What's Due Today!
By Stanley G Buford

You Can Stop Procrastination Today! Never Put Off Tomorrow What's Due Today! by Stanley G. Buford examines and dissects procrastination and speaks about the redeeming qualities of this trait. Procrastinators are not only optimistic, but they also know how to prioritize yet procrastination is always...

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Flip-Flops and Microwaved Fish

Navigating the Dos and Don'ts of Workplace Culture
By Peter Yawitz

Flip-Flops and Microwaved Fish: Navigating the Dos and Don'ts of Workplace Culture by Peter Yawitz is a non-fiction self-help book with practical advice for twenty-somethings who are about to embark on their first journey into the professional world. Yawitz dishes out advice as 'Someone else's...

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Native Places

Drawing as a Way to See
By Frank Harmon

Native Places: Drawing as a Way to See by Frank Harmon is a fascinating book that will give a new perspective on the places we come from and the lives we lead. The author helps us realize that home is just not the place we...

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The Shield of Silence

How Power Perpetuates a Culture of Harassment and Bullying in the Workplace
By Lauren Stiller Rikleen

The Shield Of Silence is a work of non-fiction discussing serious social issues and was penned by author Lauren Stiller Rikleen. Subtitled “How Power Perpetuates a Culture of Harassment and Bullying in the Workplace”, this informative and powerful work focuses on the victims of sexual...

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Computer Intelligence

With Us or Against Us?
By William Meisel

Computer Intelligence: With Us or Against Us? by William Meisel delves into the impact computer intelligence has on society, economy, and daily lives. Meisel opens with a detailed history of the origins of computer intelligence before delving into the current state and a look at...

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Kids Say the Darndest Things to Santa Claus

25 Years of Santa Stories
By Don Kennedy

Kids Say the Darndest Things to Santa Claus by Don Kennedy is a charming and delightful collection of various moments he has experienced volunteering as Santa Claus. After a friend got sick and he filled in as Santa Claus for a Christmas party, Kennedy found...

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The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Cryptocurrencies

An Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and the Technologies that Powers Them
By Fito Kahn

The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Cryptocurrencies: An Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and the Technologies that Powers Them by Fito Kahn is a guide to bitcoins and similar digital currency. Fito Kahn also gives you the terminology and explains how they are mined and stored. He talks...

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