Obama's Economic Revolution

Why Obama appointed Progressives, Socialists and Communists to key positions
By George Rikard

George Rikard feels that Obama is directing an economic revolution to seize and control our economic system and our society. In his book “Obama’s Economic Revolution,” Rikard examines Obama’s laws, programs, policies, regulations and so on at different angles in order to explain how he...

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Civil Rights Investigations Under the Workforce Investment Act and Other Title VI-Related Laws

From Intake to Final determination
By Seena K. Foster

Discrimination is a very real problem in the work place but what can a person do? Seena K. Foster, author of "Civil Rights Investigations Under the Workforce Investment Act" leads the reader through the law, the process and the various scenarios of the subject. Citing...

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The Watchman's Rattle

Thninking Our Way Out of Extinction
By Rebecca D. Costa

"The Watchman's Rattle" takes its title from the centuries old story of every village's night watchman who would shake his wooden rattle to warn sleeping villagers of approaching trouble. And so, sociobiologist Rebecca Costa, having studied expertly the alarming trends in human evolution, current global...

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Fourth Branch - Money Trail

No More Financial Corruption
By Daniel Shine Kim

Author Daniel Kim has long been pondering the problems facing the United States and other countries. In discussing the economic woes of the United States, Dr. Kim states emphatically that the three branches of government, the Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial have not watched...

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International Affairs

By Davis K. Thanjan

"International Affairs" by Davis Thanjan covers every single world organization and then goes on to cover every area of the world, country by country, not omitting even one island grouping. Thanjan presents statistics on every world organization and every nation regarding natural resources, national debt,...

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Show Trials

How Property Gets More Legal Protection than People in Our Failed Immigration System
By Peter Afrasiabi

Author Peter Afrasiabi is an esteemed attorney who has witnessed many injustices, flaws and is frankly baffled by the differences between court systems. As a property attorney, things are cut and dried, equal and just. He sees the constitution being upheld as intended. When he...

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WE x Infinity

Face the Terror of our World Equation
By Charlie Pedersen

Educator and author Ethelbert Haskins has written a brilliant novel on the mind set of inner city children who have been taught by their African American leaders to be victims. In Victim Psychosis in the Center City Ghettos, author Haskins, himself a leader in the...

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How Asia Can Shape the World

From the Era of Plenty to the Era of Scarcities
By Jorgen Orstrom Moller

Professor Moeller has an impressive background in world politics as a Danish Ambassador to several countries and as a professor of business and management. Living in Singapore, he has a unique view within the heart of Asia. His book demonstrates his ability to take massive...

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21st Century Great Global Depression

The Perfect Economic Storm
By Orest Andrew Harrison

This book is an excellent summary of American business culture, which inevitably led to the Global Financial Crisis and its aftermath, still being felt and exacerbated by Federal government ineptitude. The book decries lost opportunities after the Cold War was won to wean the country...

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Why the Heck Aren't We Already Doing This Stuff?

12 New Policy Ideas Even a Congressman Could Understand
By Al Lewis

Why the heck isn't this book a bestseller? Al Lewis doesn't believe that the government should continue doing things that don't work simply because that's the way things have always been done. Lewis has written a smart, hilarious book that says exactly this, and includes...

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