It's Never Been a Level Playing Field

Overcoming 8 Racial Myths to Level the Field
By Steve Brigham

It's Never Been a Level Playing Field: Overcoming 8 Racial Myths to Level the Field is a work of non-fiction in the social justice, sociocultural issues, and self-help genres. Penned by author Steve Brigham, this highly engaging work examines and debunks eight pervasive myths that...

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Is MAGA a Terrorist Movement?

By Russell Jack

It has been said by many, and denied by MAGA, that January 6 was an insurrection. In Is MAGA a Terrorist Movement?, author Russell Jack asserts, to my mind rightfully so, that this was an act of domestic terrorism. Fellow Americans in the line of...

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Infectious Injustice

The True Story of Survival and Loss against Corruption, the COVID-19 Disaster inside of San Quentin, and the Dumpster Fire that is Known as Mass Incarceration
By Justin Cook

Infectious Injustice is an autobiography that details ‘The True Story of Survival and Loss against Corruption, the COVID-19 Disaster inside of San Quentin, and the Dumpster Fire that is Known as Mass Incarceration’. It is best suited to mature readers owing to explicit content and...

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It Did Not Start With JFK: Volume Two

The Decades of Events That Led To The Assassination of John F Kennedy
By Walter Herbst

Volume two of the Walter Herbst investigation into the assassination of American President John F Kennedy delves further into the murky agendas of extremist politics, the military and security services. It Did Not Start With JFK probes a growing list of conspirators who wanted the...

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It Did Not Start with JFK Volume 1

The Decades of Events That Led to the Assassination of John F Kennedy
By Walter Herbst

The assassination of American President John F Kennedy in 1963 has been the subject of many conspiracy theories, fuelled by unreliable and contradictory evidence, disinformation, and disappearing witnesses, as well as the apparent cover-up which followed. In writing It Did Not Start with JFK Volume...

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It's The Economy, Stupid!

An evaluation of the U.S. economy statistically shows that Americans are worse off today more than at any other time in the last 50 years!
By Christos A. Djonis

How much do you know about the US economy? Christos A. Djonis knows a great deal and shares his knowledge and wisdom concerning the economy in It’s the Economy, Stupid! I am glad I took the time to read this extremely informative and important volume....

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In Its Shadow

A 9/11 Memoir
By Jodi Graber Pratt

In Its Shadow: A 9/11 Memoir is a work of non fiction which discusses the tragic events of international terrorism and its fallout thereafter, and was written by author Jodi Graber Pratt. As a businesswoman who was up close and directly present when the 2001...

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If I Ran

I Would Be Elected President in 2020
By Jim DesRocher

If I Ran: I Would Be Elected President in 2020 by Jim DesRocher explores a retiree’s dream of changing America and in this book, he explains why he’d win the 2020 Presidential elections if he ran. As one opens the book and starts reading, one...

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Illogically Logical

The Ills of Society and the Best Treatment
By Dr. R. Asokan

Illogically Logical: The Ills of Society and the Best Treatment is an intelligent and deep commentary on modern politics and social problems, penned by author Dr. R. Asokan. Using the analogy of doctors and surgery, this book proposes a sometimes brutal and surgical approach that...

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I Spy with My Little Eye

A Journey Through the Moral Landscape of Britain
By Linnea Mills

What is feeding, empowering and developing the next generation? Is it the TV, music, movies, tech toys or the videos games that they're exposed to? These vices possess a great hold and influence on the future generation. Through these vices, both the current and future...

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