Forever Again
Forever Again by Linda Stiles Fox is the story of a woman who found love when she was just a teenager, lost it, and found it again when she got older. This is the story of a woman who gave her life to a boy,...
Forever Again by Linda Stiles Fox is the story of a woman who found love when she was just a teenager, lost it, and found it again when she got older. This is the story of a woman who gave her life to a boy,...
Do you believe in fate or magic? For Simon Tinsley, the encounter between his daughter, Pamela Bradford Tinsley (Pansy) and his favorite employee for over a decade, Dallas Trent (D.J) in the romance novel, A Cabin in the Woods by Linda Stiles Fox, was purely...
Halloween Horror Nights Unofficial: The Story & Guide 2017 by Christopher Ripley is a colorful story, constructed around the historic and highly attended Horror Night (Halloween Party) in Orlando. And this is not fiction, neither is it your run-of-the-mill Halloween story. It is a powerful...
Have you ever thought about how beautiful nature can be when it passes by and kisses an apple tree? The Amazing Apple Tree by Donna Brooks is a colorful children’s picture book about how the apple tree evolves as the four seasons - Spring, Summer,...
Underground and Radioactive: Adventures of a Uranium Miner in 1970s New Mexico by R.D. Saunders is a memoir that is so aptly and succinctly described in the sub-title. The author recreates, in excellent prose and with vivid clarity, the joys and perils, the almost forgotten...
Inescapable —The Beginning by Madge H Gressley is a suspenseful romance with strong elements of espionage, murder, and human trafficking. Brad Daniels, the man Darcey Callahan loves more than life itself, has been called back to Peru to deal with a dangerous situation in his...
With an exotic setting against the backdrop of the breathtaking landscapes of South Africa, Born with Wings: The Immortal Life of Piu Piu by Bianca Gubalke takes the reader on a spiritual journey that explores the mystery of life and the triumph over fear. Right...
In the chilling debut of her Gothic series, Florida Gothic, Mitzi Szereto plunges readers into a realm of terror and dread. Ernesto Martinez, a casualty of a heartless hit-and-run incident, is left alone to bleed out beside a murky Miami canal. His suffering is only...
Love in Two Acts (A Romance Novella) by Ronnda Eileen Henry is a stunning romance story about a young woman named Marigold. Marigold and her friend and cousin, Princess Rozabela, are on their way to the kingdom of Selby for a royal wedding when their...
Risan Ingel possesses the strongest soul in the human world, the strongest to ever exist. Or at least that is what Light, the angel from Henava, tells him along with the news that he is about to be hunted and possessed by denom. Risan is...
Killarney Traynor has crafted a masterful mystery with a robust cast of characters and a head-scratcher of a whodunit. Michael Lawrence: The Season of Darkness introduces us to homicide detective Michael Lawrence, a steadfast and bright investigator who is in the midst of a personal...
From Antarctica to Zimbabwe is a non-fiction travel memoir written by Dr. Quinta. Quinta’s life had followed the professional career track expected by a child of Nigerian educators. She successfully pursued a doctorate in chemical engineering and was offered a career position in the petrochemical...
In the poetry collection Cruise Control by poet Jo-Ann Birch, you will be gifted with an array of poetry that covers the whole gamut. From paintings to memories, you will find yourself in environments so different from the next, but told in such a language...
Sophia’s father, an Italian immigrant, loses a poker game to Comanche Crow, a ruthless outlaw who leads a conscienceless band of thugs known as the Hellfire Gang. As a result, Comanche Crow claims Sophia as his prize. He calls her “Little One”, a supposedly affectionate...
Populated by the most intriguing set of characters to come down the science fiction pike in much too long a time, An Obliquity by D.M. Wozniak – Volume 2 of The Perihelion Series – satisfies that most demanding of sci fi readers’ desires: the need...
I liked Welcome to the Apocalypse: CyberNexis Book 2 by DL Richardson. I have seen the idea of a game that turns into a struggle in the real world before. It is by no means a new idea, but no book or movie has really...
Poison in the Pond by DL Richardson is the first Shivers novella. Karen Malcolm has escaped from a hostage situation. Cain held her prisoner in her own home for a week and when he gets life in prison, she can finally move on with her...
Empath's Ultimate Guide To Shield Yourself From Negative Energies by Sandy Quinn is a cheerfully written book about how to protect yourself emotionally if you are a sensitive person. While being sensitive is often viewed as a positive trait, sensitivity can open you up...
In today's busy culture it's hard to eat a good, quick, easy and nutritious meal, especially if you have a family to feed. With Lisa Hyde’s Instant Pot Vegan Cookbook: 10 Ingredients Recipes To Help You Save Time & Money, you will discover how to...
Have you ever felt at peace just by looking at a book cover? The cover is what immediately drew me to Poetry and Ponderings: A Journey of Abuse and Healing Through Poetry by Diamante Lavendar. Before turning to the first poem, this reader knew that...