Search results for "write to influence"

Model Marine: A Novel

By Sondra Sykes Meek

Molly Monroe: beauty queen, hopeful performing arts major, destined for great things in front of and behind the camera. Molly is always sheltered by older brother Nick, her fierce protector and male role model in the Monroe household. Momma Donna does her best to guide...

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Life on Top

The Secret Confessions of a High-Class Escort
By A.D. Hutchinson

Rachel was once an ordinary girl who got selected to be a hostess for OSM Aviation. But a chance meeting with Maggie, a high-class escort in London, changed the course of her life. She saw in Maggie what she wanted to be — a sexy,...

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The Brother's Curse

The Brother's Curse Saga Book 1
By Christine M. Germain

For the legion of shapeshifting demons to resurrect, an amethyst necklace must be retrieved and liberated. To retrieve this artifact, the wearer must die! This is the story of The Cursed Brothers, a thrilling horror novel written by Christine M. Germain. Crystal had just returned...

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The Stone the Curse of Mastema

The Brother's Curse Saga Book 2
By Christine M. Germain

The war rages on between Mastema and the helpless people of Lakeview Falls. Professor Jean Baptiste, whose real name was Detective Michael Jean Pierre of the Chicago PD, had worked undercover in Lakeview Falls for two years. His assignment was over and it was time...

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The Redemption Of Kings

By Mark Castleberry

The Redemption of Kings by Mark Castleberry is set in the land of Connacht, where the Ghel people face divine punishment for straying from their faith in the Lord of Light, while King Nazzar of Ash seeks to conquer and enslave them. Four young Ghel...

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Forever & Always

By Cristian Carrington

Forever & Always by Cristian Carrington is set on a tropical island surrounded by the vast sea, where Lono, a skilled fisherman, falls in love with Laka, leading to a blossoming relationship. They live amongst uncontacted people, but their idyllic lives are disrupted by the...

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Deception & Consequences

By Marcy Bialeschki

In Marcy Bialeschki's Deception & Consequences, Aria Donaldson enjoys her vacation when she meets the enigmatic Simon Longoria. It is like a dream come true for her. He is charming and handsome, and quickly, they are in a romantic dream filled with steamy sex for...

Coastal Empire

Robert Mercer Mysteries
By John 'Rocky' Leonard

"Coastal Empire", written by John “Rocky” Leonard, has its setting in the beautiful Savannah, Georgia. Our story begins with a murder and a big bang. When Sarah Reid walked into private investigator Robert Mercer office, he admired her beauty. She hired him to investigate her...

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Good Sam

By Dete Meserve

Kate usually covered what reporters referred to as "bummer" stories, stories that covered “death, destruction and weeping survivors.” She was shocked when the news director assigned her to cover a human interest story. Someone had left a stack of cash amounting to $100,000 in a...

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Bitter Nothings

By Vicki Tyley

In Bitter Nothings, Vicki Tyley presents another complex and thrilling tale of dysfunctional families, determined women, and mysterious deaths and disappearances. Graphic designer, Dervla Johns, and her brothers, Gabe and Emmett, are still missing their mother, following her suicide two years earlier. Several years before...

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Fatal Liaison

By Vicki Tyley

Fatal Liaison by Vicki Tyley is a good story. Dinner for Twelve is a dinner dating agency and the heart of this murder mystery. Megan, at the insistence of her best friend Brenda, attends a dinner against her better judgment. Brenda thinks it is a...

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Sleight Malice

By Vicki Tyley

Sleight Malice is the second in Vicki Tyley's series of stand-alone thrillers set in Melbourne, Australia. Following her recent separation from cheating husband, Trent, website designer Desley James, has been leaning on best friend, Laura, for support. After waving Laura off home after a wine-filled...

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Thin Blood

By Vicki Tyley

Thin Blood is the first of Vicki Tyley’s exciting, Australia-set mystery thrillers. Jacinta Deller is a tenacious, but recently out of work, investigative journalist looking around for a career-enhancing scoop. Set on the trail of a missing, presumed dead, local woman by her newly moved...

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Brittle Shadows

By Vicki Tyley

Vicki Tyley continues her rise to be one of the best modern thriller writers around with Brittle Shadows, a disconcerting but compelling mystery about one woman’s belief that her recently deceased sister did not, as recorded, take her own life. Jemma Dalton flies into Melbourne...

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Rose and Her Amazing Nose

By Andrew W Fairchild

Cute, cute, cute! Rose and Her Amazing Nose by Andrew W. Fairchild follows a little girl, Rose, who has a gigantic nose, in this children's book intended for kindergarten through third grade reading. Instead of feeling sorry for herself or being upset about her...

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Exiles of Forlorn

By Sean T. Poindexter

Exiles of Forlorn is a young adult epic fantasy written by Sean T. Poindexter. They were an oddly matched group of companions, bound by their exile from Morment to the faraway land of Forlorn. Lew was of the nobility, the third son of Lord Olune...

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Discover Your Master Chakra

Reveal the Source of Your Spiritual Gifts
By Stephanie S. Larsen

I don’t know if I’ve ever been so perfectly matched with a book as this one! Discover Your Master Chakra by Stephanie S. Larsen touched on everything I’m interested in, the science of color, chakras, and connecting all of this with a person’s personality. I...

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The Weird Adventures of Virgo Capella

By Sarwat Perrin

The Weird Adventures of Virgo Capella is an adventure novel for children and preteens written by Sarwat Perrin. Virgo wasn’t too keen on his home life anymore. Somehow, instead of his dad, he had to endure Bob, an ex-military man who Virgo’s mother wanted him...

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The Mango Seed Doll

KayLynne & Salon Positive Thinking
By Karlene J Froling

The Mango Seed Doll by Karlene J. Froling is the story of Salon who was born in a tree covered by leaves, and hung there with her brothers and sisters. She was removed from the tree when she was big enough and placed on a...

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The Secrets

A Mirror Estate Suspense Novelette
By S.L. Fon

The Secrets: A Mirror Estate Suspense Novelette is a suspense story written by S.L. Fon. Dylan’s life seemed to have gotten even more complicated now that his mom had died. He had come back home after college to take care of her and had been...

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