A Quest to Discover the Essence of Faith

Coming out of the Darkness, on My Life's Journey, to Find Faith

Non-Fiction - Short Story/Novela
120 Pages
Reviewed on 10/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

In A Quest to Discover the Essence of Faith, Evangelia VanPatten details her life. She was brought up by Greek immigrants, and her upbringing influenced her greatly. Her mother is deeply religious and also hopes her children will have a better life than she did. Unlike in high school, Evangelia works hard in college and also starts to think about what it means to connect to God. Later on, she gets married, and at first the marriage goes well. Things start to go bad in their marriage when Joe is addicted to prescription drugs. Evangelia also suspects Joe is having an affair. After Joe is admitted for his addiction, things are very hard for Evangelia, but it provides hope for their marriage. Can it be saved? How will things turn out for Evangelia?

A Quest to Discover the Essence of Faith by Evangelia VanPatten is wonderfully written and will get you thinking about many things, such as faith and how to truly connect to God. This thought-provoking work also got me thinking about addiction to prescription drugs and how they are overlooked, as many people do not think one can get addicted to them. It also got me thinking about the importance of seeking professional help early to address addiction problems. Evangelia also ensured all events and emotions were vividly captured, which helped to capture my attention as the events unfolded. The reader will also appreciate how inspirational Evangelia's story is. This was an amazing read, and I look forward to reading something else by this talented author.