A Tennis Story

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
166 Pages
Reviewed on 08/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Immerse yourself in the tale of a lifelong tennis enthusiast with Richard S. Hillman's A Tennis Story. Peter Love fell in love with tennis the day his father introduced the game to his son during a family vacation at a resort in the Catskill Mountains. He played tennis throughout his college years until he graduated from Upsilon University in 1965, trying to cope with the socio-political strife of the '60s by using tennis as an outlet to navigate the stress and pressure of everyday life. During this time, he met the beautiful Mary Taylor -- his future wife. After his stint as a professor of psychology at NYU, Peter and his wife retired to Florida. Now, as age has finally caught up to him, Peter struggles to keep up with the game he has loved all his life.

Funny, poignant, and heartwarming, A Tennis Story is an ode to the game of tennis. The book follows the adventures of a diehard devotee and his lifelong quest to stay competitive even as his body catches up to the passing of the years. Richard S. Hillman infuses a lot of heart and humor into this story. The author captures the turbulent times of '60s and '70s America with an engaging narrative that plays out like a slice-of-life drama with some relevant social commentary. Peter Love is a fascinating protagonist whose inner monologues were some of my favorite parts of the book. The scene when he teamed up with Mary for a mixed-doubles match had me in stitches. All in all, this is a must-read for tennis fans and drama lovers alike.