Amelia's Loose Part Art

Children - Grade K-3rd
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 05/28/2024
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Author Biography

Angela Odusanya is a passionate early childhood educator with over 20 years of experience and an Ontario certified teacher. She is dedicated to encouraging children's natural curiosity, fostering their creativity, and nurturing their love of play. It was her years of experience in the classroom that inspired her to publish her first book, "Amelia's Loose Part Art," a story that encourages children to be curious about the world around them and embrace their unique creativity and interests.

Angela holds a diploma in Early Childhood Education from both Sheridan College and Humber College, as well as an Honours Bachelor of Applied Science in Early Childhood Studies degree from the University of Guelph, and a Master of Teaching degree from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. Her sound understanding of all things child development, shine through on every page.

When she is not teaching or writing, she enjoys swimming in her pool, baking with her two sons, and spending time with her family.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

Amelia's Loose Part Art, written by Angela Odusanya and illustrated by Dileema Medonza, tells the story of a young artist named Amelia with a unique artistic approach. Using her camera, she captures the beauty of the world around her, transforming these photos into stunning works of art, which she compiles in a special scrapbook. During a visit to her grandma's farm, she forgets her art supplies but learns a valuable lesson from her grandma: that art is within her, and supplies can be found everywhere. Using scrap fabrics and various materials she discovers around her, Amelia creates remarkable pieces of art. She names each creation, like "Pie in the Sky" and "Hay is for Horses." Upon her return home, she adds photographs of her new loose-part art to her scrapbook and continues to create, showcasing her boundless creativity.

Amelia's Loose Part Art by Angela Odusanya is a heartwarming tale that harnesses the idea that art is a part of the artist and creativity knows no bounds. I loved that through her use of imagination and resourcefulness, Amelia is able to create unique artworks without relying on traditional art supplies. Odusanya puts the importance of children thinking outside the box and nurturing their creative imagination at the forefront. My children really took to the message of solutions being found in unexpected places, and the next morning they were out picking flowers, although I dampened the mood somewhat by drawing the line at bringing in a snail. Dileema Medonza breathes life into the story with exceptional artwork in a bold color palette and gorgeous visual illustrations. Overall, this is a wonderful book with great messaging and original illustrations. Very highly recommended.