Angels in the Real World

Christian - Non-Fiction
216 Pages
Reviewed on 09/18/2024
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Author Biography

MB Kaye passionately explores the mysteries of divine beings through writing. Kaye is a seasoned author and leader in biblical affiliations, known for her expertise in supernatural encounters. The author’s deep-rooted love for angels originates from an extensive study of various religious denominations and doctrines. This fascination has further enriched the experience through diverse cultural perspectives of divine intervention abroad. As an avid follower of television ministry and documentaries on the History Channel and National Geographic, Kaye brings a unique perspective to her writing.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

In Angels in the Real World, MB Kaye outlines a cosmic structure consisting of three realms: the third heaven, where God resides; the second heaven, inhabited by angels; and Earth, the first heaven. Kaye details the hierarchy of angels, including Cherubim, Seraphim, and Archangels, each with specific functions such as overseeing divine operations, worship, and managing natural disasters. Historical accounts include the roles of angels in guiding leaders like Gideon and Samson, assisting figures like Moses and Elijah, and intervening in a multitude of significant events. Kaye branches out into areas such as prehistoric extinctions, crop circles, and the Bermuda Triangle, leaning into Earth angels playing roles in these phenomena. Kaye also discusses the roles of angels in health crises, divine protection plans, and cosmic stability, including the transformation of Lucifer into Satan and future raptures for the righteous and remaining humans.

"The Angel of the Lord picks up the pieces and smooths out rough spots. Peace comes to planet Earth." MB Kaye does an exceptional job of showing readers how divine intervention shapes human history in Angels in the Real World, and that God and His messengers are actively involved in guiding humanity. For me, what sets Kaye's work apart from other books is the integration of scientific perspectives with the spiritual, bridging the gap between faith and reason. I think is extremely important for outreach and being able to show people that these two things are not mutually exclusive. For example, Kaye acknowledges the scientific theory of the Big Bang while simultaneously framing the creation of Earth as a deliberate, spiritual act. The writing style is intelligent but very accessible, and the stances Kaye takes are always grounded in scripture, and supported by various sources. I walked away with a far better understanding of the world of angels than I started with. Very highly recommended.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

MB Kaye's Angels in the Real World illustrates the purpose and commitment of angels to God and people. With a hierarchy that includes their involvement on Earth and their duties in heaven, angels oversee God's plans. Readers learn about the angels and their special jobs. Kaye describes heaven and provides understanding about the angels' ongoing assignments. Describing their roles and representation in certain terrestrial matters, the author reveals their presence during biblical and modern times. Angels know no spiritual or physical bounds, and the author describes angels' roles in helping people and securing a routine in heaven. Readers will learn about the way angels deliver messages, assist in miracles, protect the Earth from alien and domestic threats, help with deliverance, and assist in the Rapture.

Have you ever wondered what angels are and how they do what they do? MB Kaye will show you where to look for their enlightening presence and how to ask for their assistance. Readers will be delighted to read familiar angelic names and learn about their abilities while noting their influence in the world around us. You may have heard stories about Gideon and Sampson from scripture, but they have a different meaning, as Kaye outlines angels' involvement in the outcomes. Using modern language, Kaye details how angels helped biblical figures, like King Solomon and Noah, and passes along wisdom that will help you make more God-conscious decisions. After reading Angels in the Real World, individuals may feel more hope and protection as they realize God has sent these beings to help us.

Leonard Smuts

Many of the world’s sacred texts refer to angels, but how much do we know about them, apart from stories of their loving nature and the popular notion of guardian angels who keep us safe? Books concerning angels have become popular in recent years, but MB Kaye adopts a different approach to the subject and draws somewhat different conclusions. Angels in the Real World provides a wealth of new information that describes not only the role and function of angels but also explores the hierarchy of the angelic realm. It assigns specific roles to these beings who work tirelessly to support humanity during their earthly sojourn. The author identifies no less than nine categories in the form of the Seraphim, Cherubim, Powers, Thrones, Virtues, Dominions, Principalities, Angel of the Lord, and Messengers. According to the author, these beings exist in three heavens, and each is dealt with in detail, listing their attributes, appearance, and relationship with God. The better-known Archangels also feature prominently. In adopting such a wide scope, this book reaches far beyond the confines of other published sources.

MB Kaye writes from a Christian perspective and makes frequent reference to both the Old and New Testaments to illustrate their conclusions, although the Bible provides surprisingly little information on angels. Unlike similar publications, Angels in the Real World is not concerned about how one contacts angels. Instead, it provides readers with a deeper understanding of who they are and what they do. Angelic beings are active in the earthly world to serve, relieve pain and suffering, provide support, and protection, bring harmony, and serve justice. A variety of other topics is discussed, including the interaction between the angels and the biblical prophets, sages, and rulers of old, the Exodus, forgiveness, fallen angels and dark forces, as well as the coming Judgment Day. The writing style is colloquial and conversational, with some unusual turns of phrase. The author’s viewpoint does not always align with conventional thinking and information that is generally available in the public domain. As a result, this book should be read with an open mind. It will be of interest to biblical scholars, as well as those who are seeking insight into the angelic realm.