Arthur & Kerwin

Young Adult - Fantasy - Epic
113 Pages
Reviewed on 06/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alex Ndirangu for Readers' Favorite

David Serra's Arthur and Kerwin is an epic work set in the depths of space and features a mining crew whose journey is abruptly cut short after discovering a lone extraterrestrial thriving on a planet halfway across the universe. It all starts when the group onboard the Solar Phoenix awakens from stasis mode to investigate a distress signal coming from an uncharted planet. Among the group are Savvanah Radleigh and her small orange-furred cat, Arthur. After landing on the surface, they find a very strange-looking space star that resembles an enormous turkey wishbone. Inside the ship's vast chamber, they unearth countless human skeletons and large, beach ball-sized eggs. But this is a bleak world where massive, dry hurricanes rage endlessly and violent dust storms claim the horizon as far as the eye can see. No form of life appears to exist in the rocky, desolate landscape—except not everything is as it seems. When Arthur catches a strongly built alien creature about the size of a man lurking in the ship's dark corners, disaster strikes, thrusting everyone on board into chaos and untold horrors. Will the Solar Phoenix ever make it home in one piece? Dive right in! 

If you're intrigued by alien life forms, futuristic technologies, and Titan spaceship explosions, this fast-paced thriller is a new treasure. It offers an unputdownable outer space adventure. The descriptions are immersive and technological, evoking a plausible vision of the future's techcraft and scientific possibilities. David Serra has wonderful skill at world-building, and within the first few minutes, you can visualize the Solar Phoenix cruising the vast expanse of stars and almost hear the soft hum of the stasis beds. The tech blends effortlessly with the plot, contributing significantly to the overall excellent fantastical realism. The plot is bubbling with suspense, highly unpredictable twists, and fast-paced action involving intense foot chases, helmet-breaking blows, and explosive decompression into the bone-cracking cold of space, all just minutes after you've read the first word. David Serra's Arthur and Kerwin gives readers more than just adrenaline-packed entertainment. It explores, in a moving encounter, what it means to be friends. The book also navigates human free will and determination to survive even in the face of lethal adversity and provides an intriguing glimpse into the possibilities and secrets that might be held by the deep, uncharted cosmos. You really can't miss this book!

Gail Riker

I read this book in one sitting as it held my interest! Can’t wait too see what else this author has in store for us!