
The Starseed Series, Book 3

Fiction - LGBTQ
370 Pages
Reviewed on 09/14/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Romuald Dzemo for Readers' Favorite

Ascend by Vegastarchild584 is aptly described in the subtitle, The Wild & Zany Galactic Adventures of Commander Zhang & Lieutenant Simon. Best friends and soulmates, Commander Zhang and Lieutenant Simon have just completed a galactic assignment to help humanity with ascension on Earth after incarnating as famous actors and models in China's entertainment industry. In this installment, they receive a new mission to uplift humanity after the ascension of Gaia and humanity. As decorated officers of the Galactic Confederation and Masters of Sensual and Sexual Cultivation, they are thrust amid several covert operations to face the most vicious offenders while helping the good people stuck in the 3D Holographic Earth.

Vegastarchild584 transports readers into a multidimensional world in this spellbinding story filled with adventure, fun, and surprisingly emotional moments. The characters are exceptionally written and navigate different worlds to fulfill their mission. The narrative is imbued with strong spiritual and emotional currents, inviting readers to look beyond their immediate perceptions of reality. As one reads this story, one is persistently intrigued: Could an alternate reality exist? The whole story is highly imaginative, and the author excels in constructing a universe that excites readers and makes them dream about possible worlds. The writing is descriptive and peppered with dialogues that sparkle. Ascend melds elements of fantasy, mythology, and science fiction to deliver an enthralling adventure for readers. This tale has much to enjoy, from the ingeniously crafted bond between the two key characters to the immersive setting to the engaging plot points.

K.C. Finn

Ascend is the third book in The Wild & Zany Galactic Adventures of Commander Zhang & Lieutenant Simon by author Vegastarchild584. It follows the intergalactic escapades of soulmates Commander Zhang and Lieutenant Simon. As decorated officers of the Galactic Confederation, they embark on daring missions, including covert operations and collaborations with the Pleaidean Defense Forces, all while mastering the art of sensual cultivation. Set against the backdrop of a futuristic, 3D holographic Earth, the book combines sci-fi, metaphysical themes, LGBTQ romance, and humor as the duo tackles challenges, steamy romance, and galaxy-spanning adventures with their quirky support crew.

Author Vegastarchild584 always knows how to entertain readers with a quirky cast of characters and enjoyable romantic subplots, set alongside brilliant sci-fi adventures. The author’s creation of lively, multidimensional characters like Commander Zhang and Lieutenant Simon is vivid and full of strong descriptions of emotions and relationships, allowing readers to connect with their journey on both an emotional and intellectual level. I was also really impressed with the atmosphere of the piece and the different places that came to life with a multisensory level of detail. The author’s playful approach to storytelling, with its mix of humor, adventure, and steamy romance, brings a fresh and entertaining perspective to the space opera genre, making the story both engaging and enjoyable on a lot of different levels, especially for those who enjoy diverse fiction. Overall, I’d certainly recommend Ascend to fans of the existing series of Galactic Adventures, and the series in general for science fiction fans seeking unique character-led stories to enjoy.

Jamie Michele

Ascend by Vegastarchild584 is book three in the science fiction Star Seed Series, preceded by The Wild & Zany Galactic Adventures of Commander Zhang & Lieutenant Simon, and The Missing Chapters. In book one, Commander Zhang and Lieutenant Simon are assigned to aid humanity's progress but get distracted by earthly pleasures. Zhang's mission to investigate China's entertainment sector faces setbacks due to amnesia, leaving Simon to finish it alone. In book two, a space mission's timeline is thrown off course by Zhang and Simon's escapades, including crashes, unlikely friends, and evasion. Their enduring soulmate bond helps them navigate challenges like cancel culture and secrecy while completing their mission. Following their success in Mission Everlight, Zhang and Simon, now esteemed Galactic Confederation officers and Masters of Sensual and Sexual Cultivation, tackle perilous covert operations, assist Earth’s trapped, and aid the Pleiadian Defense Forces.

Vegastarchild584 does an excellent job of blending science fiction with romance. Those who have followed the series will know that the relationship between male soulmates Zhang and Simon has been long-running. What I really like about the series is that, unlike with other romances in this genre, the sci-fi elements are not just for show—these guys are legitimate aliens on a series of missions. Vegastarchild58 leans into really unique concepts, such as consciousness expansion through intimate acts, connecting the romantic and physical union to a higher, mystical experience. There is a lot of sizzle in the intimacy scenes, and humor in almost every situation they find themselves in. I absolutely love the plot of saving people from Holographic Earth, a false, constructed reality that people are stuck in, designed to keep people from realizing the truth about their existence and the universe. This is yet another immersive, intelligently witty, and wholly engrossing story in the current omnibus, with my sincere hope of more to come. Very highly recommended.

Essien Asian

Commander Zhang and Lieutenant Simon are back from their last jump to Earth, where the world watched the two men tumble into an active volcano in a final act of bravery. Rather than busy themselves with their new appointments as Adjunct Professors, Zhang and Simon prefer making mischief, to the chagrin of their superiors. The star-crossed individuals rediscover their love for each other while navigating the intricacies of childbirth and attempting to sniff out a mole aboard the mothership. When they believe things cannot get any better, they find out they may have unfinished business that needs urgent attention back on Earth in Vegastarchild584's Ascend.

An intriguing romantic relationship comes full circle in the third installment of Vegastarchild584's The Starseed series. Zhang and Simon's hilarious adventures resume in a mix of futuristic technology and puppy love. The author maintains continuity in the series using strategically placed flashbacks and references to the duo's prior activities. The narrative style makes it such that readers can enjoy this installment as a standalone by involving the heroes in seemingly unrelated adventures. The banter is light-hearted and easy to follow. At the same time, their discussions on futuristic concepts, such as alternative birthing techniques, reincarnation, and cloning, will pique the interest of science fiction purists. The one constant in this entertaining novel is the underlying theme of enduring love between the principal characters, which they frequently express as the narrative progresses using an assortment of exciting actions that will appeal to romance fans. Ascend is an even blend of science fiction, crazy adventures, and romance intuitively crafted to appeal to readers looking for something different.