ATU Chronicles

Vol 1

Fiction - Graphic Novel/Comic
128 Pages
Reviewed on 09/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Cynthia Fridsma introduces readers to the first volume of the ATU Chronicles series with Chaos is Bleeding. The 2020 US presidential elections have just ended, and President Donald Trent is refusing to admit defeat. One of his followers, Dick Barnes, riles up a mob and leads them to the Capitol building in search of traitors to their cause and opposition senators they can hang. While police officers and security guards bravely fight off the mob in the Capitol, ATU head Jack Hunter seeks Sybil Crewes' help to manage the situation. However, Sybil hasn't left the Nightbird Inn for over a year due to the pandemic. Meanwhile, Dr. Carl Hayes is building an army of zombies on behalf of Trent. As former CIA Agent Harry Brown investigates a cold case from 1999, Hayes's zombies begin their assault on the city.

For fans of action-packed graphic novels, ATU Chronicles: Vol. I (Chaos is Bleeding) is a treat they don't want to miss. Drawing inspiration from real-world events of 2020, Cynthia Fridsma delivers a pageturner of a thriller graphic novel that keeps your eyes glued to the pages with an entertaining combination of action, suspense, horror, and mystery. The author keeps the plot flowing at a brisk pace, using a dialogue-heavy narrative that suits the genre and makes the characters' personalities shine in a short amount of page time. The artwork is stunning and perfectly complements Fridsma's storytelling. The book doesn't resolve all the plot threads as it ends on a cliffhanger, which means the larger story will continue in the sequels. I very much look forward to reading them. Recommended to readers of comic books and graphic novels!

K.C. Finn

ATU Chronicles Vol 1: Chaos is Bleeding by Cynthia Fridsma is a graphic novel that blends political intrigue with supernatural horror. Former Anti-Terrorism Unit (ATU) agent Sybil Crewes is drawn out of her isolation in Boston to confront the chaos unfolding in America during the COVID-19 pandemic. With violent attacks on the U.S. Capitol and a plot involving a zombie army orchestrated by Dr. Carl Hayes, Sybil must decide whether to step back into the fray to protect democracy. This gripping narrative explores political manipulation, personal resilience, and the dangers threatening a fractured society.

Author Cynthia Fridsma combines real-world political tension with supernatural horror to take readers on a rocketing ride through a dangerous society on the brink of chaos. This uniquely pitched novel offers a lot of atmosphere and a dark world where an eerily realistic zombie threat is growing. The central hero Sybil Crewes is compellingly portrayed, balancing vulnerability with a fierce determination to protect her country against the horrors that await her. The dialogue is sharp and effective, cinematic but layered with realistic emotion, and the narrative viewpoint keeps us close to Sybil so that we feel her every struggle and triumph. Fridsma’s artwork enhances the tension and mood, making this graphic novel visually and emotionally immersive and creating a uniquely thrilling narrative that offers sudden visual impacts to keep the story alive and fresh in the reader’s mind. The integration of contemporary problems like disinformation and domestic terrorism also gives the story an urgent, thought-provoking relevance that readers can relate back to today’s world. Overall, I would certainly recommend ATU Chronicles Vol 1: Chaos as a brilliant start to an action-packed series, and I can’t wait to see what comes next.

Astrid Iustulin

ATU Chronicles volume one is a graphic novel, a suspenseful, action-packed story of chaos and intrigue by Cynthia Fridsma. It all began when US President Donald Trent refused to acknowledge that he lost the election to Joe Brighton. He claims the results were rigged and is counting on his supporters to take back what is his. This results in a bloody uprising in the streets of Washington while an evil doctor, who aims to support Trent, experiments with a vaccine to create an army that feeds on human flesh. Meanwhile, a few agents make an effort to resist. Agent Jack Hunter contacts Sybil and tries to convince her to return to work, but she has not left home and worked for the ATU (Counter-Terrorism Unit) since the COVID-19 outbreak. Will there be a way to persuade Sybil and stop Donald Trent?

Since ATU Chronicles is a graphic novel, the story and pictures are equally important, and I am glad to say that both impressed me. Cynthia Fridsma does a great job of depicting the scenes and characters. She presents the events vividly and portrays the characters so well that you think you are looking at photographs, especially in close-ups. The story is exciting, and besides the intrigue and suspense, I am impressed by how the author managed so many characters and a very complex plot. You cannot miss this book if you love engaging stories, and since this is the first volume, I have great expectations for the sequel and hope to read it soon.