Ava the Monster Slayer

Sleepover Superheroes

Children - Action
32 Pages
Reviewed on 07/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Juan Lynch for Readers' Favorite

Ava the Monster Slayer: Sleepover Superheroes, written by Lisa Maggiore and illustrated by Ross Felten, is a fun read that children of all ages will enjoy. Ava and her friends, Emma and Ashley, are excited to attend their school's sleepover event at the gym. This excitement quickly evaporates when a few older girls taunt them for bringing their stuffed animals, Piggy, Raffe, and Uni. On a dare, Ava and her friends relinquish their beloved stuffies. However, as the night drags on, fear creeps in. Are the stuffed toys going to survive the night on their own? Ava and her friends display great ingenuity by creating make-shift weapons from random objects they find lying around, and then set out to rescue the toys.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Lisa Maggiore's Ava the Monster Slayer: Sleepover Superheroes. Felten's beautiful illustrations capture the entire well-paced story in such a way that it felt like I was watching a fun and exciting cartoon with subtitles. Moreover, employing varied font styles and sizes added to the excitement. I appreciated Ava's character arc. Initially, she tries to seem cool in front of the older girls, but by the end, she faces her fears and remains unfazed by their opinions. Along the way, she and her friends overcome their fears and fight monsters. I love how the theme of friendship is highlighted throughout this work. There are more books in the Ava the Monster Slayer series, and I am looking forward to reading all of them.