Baby Makers Fiasco

Lady Save Yourself Romantic Comedies

Fiction - Chick Lit
214 Pages
Reviewed on 08/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

Kimmy's world falls apart on the eve of a significant milestone for the young consultant. Her longtime boyfriend Gary breaks up with her because she is unwilling to start a family with him. She moves in with her friend Noora, vowing never again to fall in love with the first man she meets. She discovers that this may be harder to carry out in the small town of Bramilton where everyone knows each other, especially after meeting Jake, the handsome mechanic opposite her new workplace, who just so happens to be friends with Noora. Expect sparks to fly in E. Elizabeth Franklin's Baby Makers Fiasco.

E. Elizabeth Franklin opts for something more than the conventional boy meets girl scenario in Baby Makers Fiasco. It gradually becomes apparent that Gary's interest in Kimmy is limited to what she can offer him personally, as the character development emphasizes the flawed nature of their relationship. Female readers will instantly identify with Kimmy's emotional breakdown as she wonders if her physical characteristics had any bearing on Gary's choice. Jake's challenges in managing his small business and providing for his weird family present an engaging subplot with plenty of oddball moments. The distinct narrative style is evident in the dialogue between Kimmy and Jake, which is easy to follow and full of well-crafted repartees like Kimmy's car-exploding comment. Franklin does a fantastic job of balancing Kimmy's personal and professional lives without making her appear overly dramatic. A little mystery in the story will pique drama enthusiasts' curiosity with Noora's strange guest. The inventive storytelling and engaging take on fertility, a subject many women struggle with, give Baby Makers Fiasco a unique and refreshing twist in a genre that can sometimes be predictable.