Before the Beginning and After the End

Holocaust Survivor True Stories

Non-Fiction - Biography
338 Pages
Reviewed on 08/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Romuald Dzemo for Readers' Favorite

Hymie Anisman’s Before the Beginning and After the End: Holocaust Survivor True Stories is a unique addition to Holocaust literature, bridging personal trauma and collective memory through the stories of survivors. Anisman creates a narrative that is both intimate and illuminating, grounding his reflection in the lived experiences of his forebears and other Holocaust survivors. The book examines the devastating impact of Nazi ideology on the Jewish population, underlining the horror of the Holocaust while highlighting the enduring resilience of those who survived. The narrative is structured as a chronological retelling, beginning with the pre-war lives of Anisman’s parents in Poland and Ukraine, through the unimaginable atrocities they faced, to their eventual attempts at rebuilding their lives in the aftermath of the Holocaust. The reader is confronted with the duality of existence—before the Holocaust and after, a compelling revelation of how the trauma reverberates across generations.

The depth of Anisman’s writing lies in his ability to blend personal anecdotes with broader historical contexts. These stories and the characters presented in the book illustrate how the Jews came to believe — after the Holocaust — that it was more important not to rely on others but to take control of their destiny. The narrative explores the fragile threads that bound the victims of the Holocaust, their fears, and the bonds that keep them together. Before the Beginning and After the End features heartbreaking stories, including the author's father’s time in work camps and his mother’s harrowing experiences. Hymie Anisman’s work transports readers to an era of horror that should never happen again. The descriptions are terrific, and the author excels in exploring the inner worlds and the psyches of the characters.