Between the Clouds and the River

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
386 Pages
Reviewed on 10/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Makeda Cummings for Readers' Favorite

Between the Clouds and the River by Dave Mason tells the moving story of two characters whose lives are connected by the aftermath of World War II. Bernhardt Lang is a German officer forced to confront the brutal realities of war. His journey gradually shifts from the battlefield to his attempt to live a civilian life many years after the war. On the other hand, Joseph Holliman is a twelve-year-old boy struggling to cope with abandonment by his mother and an abusive father. Young Joseph is a constant victim of his father’s cruelty and bitterness. Intriguingly, he develops an impactful friendship with Frank Gardner, the man whose shed he deliberately burned down. Bernhardt and Joseph go on a lifelong journey, searching for their identities. This book details their breathtaking story!

Between the Clouds and the River is a masterful demonstration of storytelling by Dave Mason. I love how the author converges Bernhardt's and Joseph's stories. Bernhardt's journey commences in 1943, while Joseph's story begins in 1965. Although Bernhardt and Joseph vary in age, life experiences, and timeline, they are both trapped in life events that they desperately try to escape. Thus begin their captivating journeys of self-discovery and perseverance. Mason's vivid writing style beautifully reinforces their profound story arcs. From the beginning of the tale, I could easily visualize the various layers of Bernhardt's and Joseph's lives. I felt their anxieties, loss, and tribulations. I connected with these characters immediately and was drawn into every significant event that transpired throughout their lives. Their fight for identity and survival will leave a lasting emotional imprint on each reader. I sincerely hope that all fans of historical fiction will read this heartwarming book.